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Taylor POV
Today Reese was babysitting Dewey and if he could get Dewey to sleep he could watch Chucky tomorrow I was at a dance studio I had been doing dance since I was young

Everyone was cheering once I was done I got home at about 1:00am which was normal Malcolm was at Stevie's for a sleepover mum and dad where on The couch I found Dewey in the bathroom covered in shaving cream and some other things so I got him bathed dried and dressed I put him to bed reading him a story I walked out of the bedroom and I saw Reese just barely awake doing grabby hands at me whenever he was around me he didn't act all tough or mean he was sweet and adorable I picked him by lifting him up by his arm pits so he was on my hip I walked into the living room "mum dad I'm going to put Reese to bed then go to bed myself" I kissed both their cheek "night" I carried Reese into the bedroom I laid him on his bed and got into mine I heard him whine so I got in bed next to him Malcolm came home at 3:00am mum and dad where asleep I was awake "Malcolm just sleep in my bed" he nodded and got changed into one of my shirts Reese and Malcolm normally got into my shirts while Dewey wore one of Reese's shirts Reese was asleep in my chest Malcolm looked liked he was struggling to fall asleep I was able to get up without waking up Reese I got into bed next to Malcolm I kissed Malcolm's cheek "hey Malcolm you ok" he nodded I picked him up and put him in my chest rocking him too sleep he looked absolutely exhausted

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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