Find her

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Damien is still haunted by the image of the girl. In the meeting hall, she was sitting there prettily he had to close his eyes forcefully to erase her image. Even in the cafeteria, he thought she was beside him while he was taking his food. It was a long and tiring day filled with her everywhere.
When he was in the office, he could see her sitting in one of their office cubicle. He could make out her messy hair, flushed cheeks and slim physique engrossed on the computer. He was so surprised he almost splashed the coffee he was holding to his secretary who was walking towards him with papers he needs to sign. He took the folder from his secretary and hurriedly went inside his office. When he got inside the room though, sitting comfortably in his chair, that girl is sitting across him, the same outfit every damn time. The one she was wearing when they kissed. Sneakers, Skinny jeans, white t-shirt and her short hair floating carelessly in the air. He could even clearly see every detail of her now and memorized it.
He shook his head to clear his mind. He's going crazy because of her.
The door swung open and his friends came in frowning seeing his confused and brooding looks.
"I need to find her." He said while touching his lips.
"Who?" Brian asked.
"Who else? His first kiss." Peter jests.
Of course, it wasn't his first, just the first to keep haunting him.
His friends chuckled. "I can't believe you would still want to find her after she punched you."
"He is the only person I know who is happy to find someone after being hit by her."
The two laughed.
"Cut it off. I just needed to confirm something."
"Alright, alright." Peter said, conceding and shrugging the conversation off.
"Hey, doesn't Uncle buy a new area in Thomas St.?" Brian asked.
Damien just nodded. "He wanted to expand his real estate business around the block."
"I remember he'd done that a few years ago to no success."
"Hmm. But we were able to pursue it this time."
"So, what's your plan? Are you manning the business now?" They knew that Damien is having his own venture and adding the family business could be tough.
"He should be. After all, he's the only legitimate son." Peter jest.
"Speaking of it, I heard there was an incident in the quarry. One of your workers was badly injured in the hospital." Brian said.
"Really? When did it happened?" Peter asked.
Damien just sighed. "Two weeks ago. I think my father has been receiving threats after acquiring the permit to do the mining."
"Must be from the locals." Peter said.
"Or from your half-brothers." Brian added.
Damien just chuckled and shrugged the thought, hiding his true concern. "You have a wide imagination. My brothers are not capable of doing that. I think so it's from the locals. I'm looking into it."
"But people change because of greed." Peter said.
"Hey, don't say that. They're still my family."
"Okay. Loverboy. Is that why you have a lot of bodyguards downstairs?" Brian jest.
"How serious was it?" Peter asked in curiosity.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious. You know how my father can be so overprotective sometimes. Besides, I already told him I'd go for a low profile bodyguard, a woman specifically."
"Really? I think you have another thing in mind." Peter said and playfully raises his eyebrows.
"Did you pick her yourself?"
"No. But I'll be meeting her today. My dad's friend recommended her so I'd assume she's very good at what she does."
The two just nodded but still look at him maliciously.
"You know what? I gotta go. I will be late if you keep me stalling here." he said and took his coat and headed to the door.
Moments later, he was sitting on his car while checking his phone. Thinking of what his friends said. Could his brothers be really involved in that incident? He never imagined that they could do that to his father's business and to hurt his people. But maybe Peter was right, a person can change because of greed. It's all about the money and inheritance.
Withdraw your shares in the company. He got a text message. This is the second time someone sent it to him. The same message, different number. He could call someone to trace the number, he know a lot in the uniform, but he is in denial to know the truth. Or afraid to know the truth.
He sighed.
As usual, the girl sits beside him serenely. He sighed again.
Damien arrived at the restaurant where they will meet. He already knows Lucas, who was his personal trainer, and he will also be there.
"Stay away from me." He instructed the men guarding him.
They took a step forward but he ward them off to go farther. They have no choice but to follow him. Satisfied at how far they are, he resumed his stride. He was walking behind a familiar backside and that sway of the hips.
Ah, another one of my crazy imagination. Well, at least she changed her outfit. He said to himself. A wicked thought crossed his mind and wanted to touch her behind just for fun.
But wait, his imaginary woman doesn't talk or make a sound. This woman talked over her phone, her heels causing that tud-tud sound everytime it touched the ground.
He frowned. She can't be that woman, she can't be real. Can she? He unconsciously touched his face. But his guts tells him it was that woman.
"Hey, you!" Damien was walking behind her. "Wait, I am talking to you!" he called out.
But Summer just keeps on walking. Some annoyingly bastard must be mistaking her for someone else.
"I said stop!" he irritably said.
Annoyed, she abruptly stopped and faced him. "What?"
He almost bumped into her.
Ah, so it's her. I knew it. "You don't remember me? Or my voice at least? My voice is not easily to be forgotten..." He asked, didn't dare to take off his sunglasses or facemask.
"Do I have to know you?" She cut him off coolly and assessed the situation.
He is a bit taller given of his stance, lean and strong build. Man in sports, she guessed. Looking at his thighs, he must me doing cycling or athletics. Not easy to take down but possible.
"What?" Is she checking me out? He wondered while looking at her looking at him.
"You might think highly of yourself or you're some billionaire's brat. But spare me Your Highness if I don't know who you are. " She said while looking at the man with an oversized sunglass, a face mask and cap on his head. If he is someone respectable, why would he hide his face? Unless, he is some jerk.
He smirked. "Your Highness?" and looked at her in amusement.
"I'll be leaving now, Your Highness." she said and gestured to a curt bow.
He stared at her in disbelief. "Are you mocking me?"
"Do you like me?"
That stopped him in his stride towards her and scoffed. "You're so full of yourself."
"Then why are you following me? I can only assume you like me." She teased more.
This wench! He muttered. Let's see who's going to fall after I kiss you! He said to himself and walked towards her to give her a kiss. He was in front of her and he put his hand on her shoulder.
Summer, identifying the danger, readied herself for a defensive mode.
She is a small, well-shaped and the cutest woman he has seen so far. He just realized that her small frame fits perfectly to his tall and lean physique.
"You will fall for me after this."He said and smirked.
"Don't touch me." She said looking up at the man. Not even intimidated by their size difference. She has fought far bigger opponents. Like her brother.
"I am touching you." He said, looking at his hand on her shoulder and gestured to take off his facemask.
Summer glared at his hand and back at his face and took it as a cue.
Damien was taken aback when she snaked her right arm under his left shoulder and pulled him closer. He initially thought she will hug him, but he was bewildered to what she does next.
Summer grabbed his left elbow, pulled it up, her right arm goes under his left arm pulls his right to her waist, pulling him towards her body, she stepped her right foot forward across him, turned, facing to the same direction as him, ducked, bumped into him. She then pull down to the left with left arm at the same time, twist her hips in the right counter clock-wise.
Before he knew it, his body went flying. He felt he was floating in mid-air before his back hitting the ground, hard. His body was twisted facedown, one arm pinned behind his back to prevent him from moving while her other arm is locked around his neck, choking him.
"Are you crazy?! Do you know who I am?!" he muffled, struggling.
"I warned you." She sternly said.
"I didn't--!"
She twisted harder.
"Alright, alright! Ah!! Stop!" He said while trying to free from her hold.
"Get your hands off him." A man in a suit, men actually, surrounded them.
They were late to arrive given the distance they ran.
She looked at them warily.
"Or we will use force against you."
She smirked. These men in black will use force on me. "Okay. Fine." She said and released her hold of the man on the ground. Raising her hand and walked slowly away from them.
The men in suits helped, more like fussed over, the man she just take down.
She made her exit without them knowing.
"Stop! Okay? Stop. I'm fine." Damien said taking off his eyeglass and facemask. "Where is she?- Where'd she go?" He asked one of the men.
They just shrugged and realizing their mistake, they dispersed and looked for her.
"Sir, a woman assaulted young master just now. We will find her."
He heard one of the bodyguard reported to his father. "Hey, I said I'm fine."
"Yes sir. I'll be in pursuit. Okay sir." he said and walked away trying to find the woman.
Damien just sighed in frustration. What is he? A 10-year old boy? And embarrassed too for he was no match to a girl. He can't believe that that small frame was able to pin him down.
Mr. Morel and Mr. Dawkins were having discussions when Mr. Morel's phone rings. He was in great concern while talking over the phone. About a girl who chokehold his son outside the restaurant's hall and that his men are already in pursuit. Lucas, who was listening to the conversation, has a strong feeling it was his little sister.
He fished out his phone and typed in the messages and then sent it to his younger sister. He just wanted to prevent a misunderstanding if she'll meet their client.
"Is your sister coming yet? What's taking her so long?" his father asked.
"Sorry dad," he turned his attention to their client. "Mr. Morel. My sister was running some errands and won't make it right now. I just received a message from her that she won't make it."
"Oh, I see. Your sister must be very busy these days."
"I guess so." Lucas just said.
"Aren't we too hard for her? I mean, she's a grown up woman and must have some guys to date. I can't afford to be meddling with her private life." Mr. Morel.
"Ah, that's what I told her. But you see, your case is quite unique and your son requested our talent. We can only give you one of our best."
Mr. Morel just chuckled. "I know. And I'm thankful that you're being considerate."
Summer was halfway to the meeting place when her phone vibrated and got a message from her brother and read it.
You punk! Spare me with your antics and don't you dare in come here or you'll be dead! Come back to our academy and get me the list of the students who were enrolled last summer. There were some students who were using our martial arts to hurt other people. Especially the big ones! And wait in the school until I come back.
Lucas remembered how Summer has been a troublemaker since she started her training in the Academy. She was just ten years old when she kicked a man in the groin who was trying to harass Alice. They were in the police station and the authorities didn't believed the man, instead he was put to jail because of Alice's statement. They were always invited to police station to give statement about a boy who broke his nose or a man who lost his teeth.
But what he remembered the most is when one of her suitor filed a report of abuse when she was just fifteen.
"Hm, we got new enrollees." Summer said to his brother.
"One of them says you're ugly." Oliver said.
The boys just nodded.
"Who?" she asked.
Lucas pointed out a teenage boy, who was around her age or a bit older than Summer. He is quite handsome and his smile is so cute. He is a beginner for he wore white belt. Summer wore a brown belt, however, she has been training on and off for years. Her dad is reluctant to give her black belt yet because of the troubles she got herself into.
Summer just narrowed her eyes.
"Next." The instructor called and Summer went in the center, it was a friendly exercise so she had to choose her opponent. She chose that handsome teenage boy.
The boy smiled in delight.
They stand in front of each other.
"This is a friendly match, so no slamming, striking or any dirty fight during game." the instructor looked at Summer. "Sam, don't hard lock his leg." he said.
She understood that for her opponent is a beginner who wears white belt.
"Today, Summer will be demonstrating Close Guard, Open Guard and Half Guard. First is Close Guard." the instructor said.
Summer smiled wickedly and grab her opponent's one hand and his collar with another. She pulled down her opponent, bringing her knee in lock position towards her. She grabbed his collar In one hand and controlled her opponent's head with her other hand. She clipped her foot in her opponent's hip. Then, she turned and clamped down her opponent's head with the help of her leg.
The boy just yelped in surprise. He must be thinking now to quit.
Lucas and Oliver just chuckled. The boy didn't realized what he's gotten into.
"Who's ugly, huh?" Summer whispered in his ear.
"What?" the boy just frowned, not comprehending what she was talking about.
"She is a freak show." The man beside Lucas said then shivered. He must be in his twenties. One of the new enrollees in their academy.
"Release." the instructor said.
She released him.
"Next is Half Guard also known as survival position." the instructor said.
Summer brought down her opponent having her lying on her opponent. The boy's eyes twinkled but she intertwined her one leg to his.
"Not too bad." Her opponent said.
She just smirked. I can do more damage than this. She thought.
"That is a lock down half guard. Next is Open Guard."
Summer, who was first to stand up, waited for her opponent to stand. Then, she positioned her legs between her opponent's hands and put them on his chest. Grabs his leg from the back and pushed him, making him fall over the ground, with a thud. Now she has full control.
The boy winced.
"That must hurt." Oliver said while still amused.
"She's knocking him out. I think that's against the rule." The man beside them commented.
"That's nothing compared to her true fights." Lucas said.
The man beside him shivered. "Total psycho." he said.
"Thank you for the demonstration, Sam." The instructor said.
The students clapped their hands, but the boy just winced and stretched his body of the pain she had caused.
Summer looked at where her brother was standing and gave him a wink. She has avenged her bruised pride. And after that, everyday was sparring day for the poor boy. The next day, the boy dropped.
Her phone rings, it was her brother.
"What?" she answered.
"Did you had an incident outside?" he asked.
"A bit, why?" She asked innocently.
She heard he stifled a laugh but did all his might to hide it. "I once told you you have a knack for Jiu Jitsu, not that I am referring you knock some billionaire's brat's ass." He said.
"Huh?" She wondered what he was talking about. "What are you talking about?"
"Hey, you almost blew up our business, you punk! The person you had a fight with is one of our biggest client. The number ONE on the list."
"What?" She asked. "Oh?!" Fully comprehending what that means.
If they don't get this client, the financial problem of their school will be in trouble. She is in trouble.
"I'd suggest you prepare an alibi to dad. I just saved your ass." He said and turned off his phone.
"What am I going to do now?" She just sighed and returned, but not before avoiding the men chasing her. Some billionaire's brat.
Damien was unable to see her. He had an inkling feeling he met her somewhere. He then remembered a girl way back when he was first enrolled in a martial arts Academy when he was twenty years old. That girl was a badass, but he wasn't able to pursue the training in the academy, hence, they got a private lesson with Lucas.
He was walking in the alley when he saw Lucas talking on the phone. He approached him and called him out when he put down his phone.
"Lucas." Damien called him out in the alley. He just finished talking to his sister and hoping she will not come.
"Mr. Morel, it's nice to see you." Lucas greeted him and showed him to where they sat.
They discussed about the business and how the financial stability of the school is doing. Mr. Morel offered a financial support just to make sure the safety of his son.
Mr. Dawkins accepted the help and offered to give him discount and to give the best candidate, his daughter as his son's bodyguard. He said he will email her profile to them so they get to familiarize her. After the meeting, they said their goodbyes.
Damien was reading the financial reports in his study room that night. It is a wide space packed with books. Most of them his favorites. But now, he is engrossed in the reports he missed during his stay in the office. If that woman had not appeared he wouldn't bring the work home.
He heavily sighed when a familiar head looked at what he was reading. She is wearing a blank tank top, her hair pulled into a bun and she wore a skinny jeans and high heels.
"Well, at least you changed your clothes." He said to himself and sighed again for his ridiculous imagination. "You know what? I wish you'd change into..." yellow dress.
He paused, seeing that she changed into a yellow dress.
"But I like women who are..." elegant.
Now she wears a black dress, paired with jewelry set, gloves that covers her hands and her hair in a curly and beautiful tresses. She even wears make-up now.
"Simple." he said.
And there, she now wears a simple white summer dress, paired flip-flops and sweetly smiling at him.
He inwardly sigh in frustration, his fantasy has gone too far.
"I'm doomed."

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