Chapter 1- Ian

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"Begone you wrathful beast!"

Ian shouted with a smile, twirling the fencing sword in and out of his fingers before lunging into a stunt, eyeing the wooden training dummy in front of him with caution, the red bullseye on its chest fading into the wood with age. Ian squinted ferociously, stepping around the target as his light blue eyes narrowed under his mask. Hay crunched below his feet and the warm sun shone in between the cracks of the abandoned barn. "Got you." he whispered with a grin as he stabbed the training dummy from behind, shooting his left leg up and forwards, kicking the pommel deeper into the wood, splintering the dummy's back as it slid across the wooden floor and banged against the barn wall, staring at the chipped paint with a blank expression, the sword shaking lightly from the momentum. Ian grinned under his mask, his left hand to the floor, palm elevated; his fingers were split and shaking. His other hand gripped his right thigh as he peered to his target, his body bent into a dramatic pose with his right leg extended and pointed slightly. His long honey blond hair that ran down his back drooped over his eyes as sweat rolled down his cheeks. The white training outfit underneath felt sticky to his pale skin and wrapping that bonded his chest as it squelched and squeaked with every step. Ian cringed at the sound as he sauntered over the dummy, resting his leather booted foot on its back as his gloved fingers traced over the saber's crescent handle before tightly gripping it, pulling with all his strength as the sword finally shot out suddenly, the movement causing Ian to fall back to the barn floor with a thump. A sharp wince could be heard from underneath the boy's mask. The sword flew from his grip from the impact, clattering farther away from him.

He let out a pained groan, stumbling to get up before defeatedly falling again in the same position. Ian sighed in defeat, sliding off the helmet and extendedly tossing it to the ground, watching it spin across the wooden floor as he stared in blank silence. He ruffled his fingers in his dirty blond hair, not caring about the strands that sprang up and lopsidedly elevated, as he gripped his front bangs in a fist, pulling his knees closer to him in a pained sigh. After a few moments to regain his thoughts, he softened his grip on his hair, playing with it gently as his knees slowly fell to the ground. He sighed, picking himself up and creeping his way to the forgotten sword, thanking the universe that it wasn't broken. He crouched down, scooping the silver handle in his hand, and softly groaned as he noticed a scratch on it. Suddenly, he heard footsteps by the entrance and instantly shot up, spinning around and pointing the blade in the direction of the door, creasing his eyebrows and squeezing his lips firmly as if he had just sucked on a lemon. His expression quickly softened and his blade lowered however once he noticed who it was.

An olive-skinned boy held his hands up in playful defense, a playful smirk and raised eyebrows illuminating his chiseled face as the brown woven picnic basket in his arms rocked softly. "Have a boyfriend that takes fencing lessons, He definitely won't try to attack you with his sword or anything" The male sarcastically remarked, stepping further into the barn and looking around, his expression changing to playfully horrified. "Jesus, Ian." He snorted, nodding to the training dummy. "You plotting a genocidal massacre against all wooden inanimate objects or is anger management not cutting it"?

Ian rolled his squinted eyes, a smile forming at the corners of his lips as he began walking over to the right side of the barn, sliding the sword in its case and zipping it up slowly. "Careful there Cale, you might be next." He grinned as he turned over to the boy, nodding to the basket in their arms. "What's that for"?

Cale shifted the basket's weight to his left arm and held it up. "Thought I would treat my murder-inducing partner with a picnic since it seems he could use the break." He grinned, walking forward to Ian, both their faces turning shades of pink with the other's presence. "While once again for the millionth time saying how they're my beautiful sun, my stars, my earth and my breath; and the reason that this kingdom is so full of life and heart is because of his presence." Their noses were almost touching as Ian tried to come up with a response, completely flustered. He was denied so by Cale tapping his nose gently. "Crackling bread, a bottle of sparkling pink lemonade, cheese that isn't molded, Angel cake, and fresh raspberries that were just shipped in today because you said you hadn't had them since you were a child and I felt like spoiling you."

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