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I was walking with Alex into the closet to get some supplies, our patient needed an enema. Worst day ever.
"Oh and by the way, how're you and Lexie doing?" I asked, don't tell Alex but I'm a major Slexie shipper.
"She's hot I guess, I mean there's nothing else to it?" He asked without a care in the world. I sighed, I loved him. He's like a brother to me but cmon! We made the turn into the room.
"Oh my god!" Alex yelled, there was Dr.Reed. Lying there, dead on the floor. Blood gushing out of her skull. The figure, a man. Older than 50 turned around. I didn't know who the man was. But he was crying. He was in grief. I know that look. I had that look when my mom and dad died. The man pointed the gun at Alex, then at me.
"I- I'm sorry," the man choked out. Then he shot Alex. I screamed and put my hands up.
Then he shot me in the shoulder. I fell over backwards. He almost immediately left. I looked at my shoulder. It was just a graze. Hardly any blood came out. I stood up and looked over at Alex.
"A-Alex your going to be okay I promise. Look at me!" I promised him. I didn't know if he would make it, he was honestly in awful shape. A GSW to the chest, bleeding out rapidly. But would I ever tell him that? Probably not. My hands run through my silky brown hair. I curled my hair this morning, and put on my pink scrubs. It was my first day in PED's as a resident. I took a deep breath used my brain.
"Okay, Alex. I'm going to go get someone to help. Someone's going to help okay?".
I gotta get Altman, but she's in the OR. Umm- I get can get Mark! I don't care he's in plastics. I just need an attending. I got up and ran as fast as I could into the main lobby. Lexie and Mark were talking.
"MARK! MARK I NEED YOU!" I screamed as I ran up to him.
"Jesus Christ Addie, are you okay?"
I was cutoff but a loud bang. The room started screaming.
"A nurse has been shot!" Someone yelled. Mark had grabbed both me, and Lexie and had us tight in his arms. His arms were firm around our figures. Lexie slightly pulled him off of her and crawled over to a trail of blood. One of the nurses was shot and killed.
"I-oh my god. No no no," Lexie whimpered as she checked the woman's pulse. I grabbed Lexie by the wrist. Mark grabbed ahold of us, shielding us from harm as we all ran to the nearest elevator.
"Shit! Cmon Cmon!" Mark cursed as he hit the buttons for the elevator to come down to our floor. It made it to our floor and the doors slowly opened. Revealing a bloody mess.
"ALEX! NO NO NO!" Lexie panicked, she ran over to Alex's side and cupped his face in her hands.
"THATS WHAT I WAS TRYING TO TELL YOU!" I screamed at Mark. My voice was mildly whimpering.
"I- I have to go find D- The Chief," I said before starting to run to his office.
"BE CAREFUL ADDIE! ILL FIND YOU AS SOON AS I CAN!" Mark's voice echoed throughout the halls of the hospital. Mark was not only a friend, but we have known each other since NY. I was Addison's cousin, I mean was because I don't consider her family if she cheats on Derek. And I know what your gonna say, "well why aren't you mad at Mark?" Derek forgave Mark, so I did.  Ya know how everyone has that one or two cousins who your close with? Yeah well she was mine. I'm a lot younger than her though as you can tell. I'm a resident. I knew Derek through Addison as well. I was the closest to Derek and Mark than anyone else I've ever met. My family. My non biological family. Then there's Jackson. My boyfriend of six months. We have been close since the merger and got together after a month of being friends. But we hadn't made it official until six months ago when Jackson told me he was an Avery. Like HARPER AVERY. He told me everyone else who he has been with has told everyone and used him for money. But when I didn't he knew I was the one. He asked me out in the rain. After I lost a patient. I made my way to Dereks office and I burst in. I was breathing heavily and uneven. My heart was racing. I could barley breathe.
"D-D-Derek?" I whimpered, trying to get the words out. He looked up then back down very quickly. Then when it clicked in his head that I was sobbing like a 2 year old he looked back up at me. He slowly stood up and made his way towards me. He put both of his hands on my shoulders.
"talk to me, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"D- did you know, t-that when w-we were little- ya know- children. I um- I had a giant, huge crush on y-you?"
"Adds, your in shock. Look at me," he almost whispered. He put his hands on my cheeks.
"Alex- Alex has been shot. A shooter -there's a shooter here,". He gave me a look of confusion.

"The police are on their way. What's the procedure? You're the head of hospital security. How do you not know? I know it's never happened before. Oh, I found it. Lockdown. Nobody moves in or out. Yeah. Nobody moves, nobody breathes. Until we know what's going on." Derek was talking on the phone with the Head of Hospital Security. I was pacing around the room trying to calm down. Derek put the phone down and put his face in his hands. He was in a tremendous amount of stress. He went over to his desk and rooted around his drawers for about thirty seconds. Then he pulled out a small stuffed animal. It was a dog. It looks familiar. He walked over to me and gave me one of his warm smiles and placed the stuffed animal in my hand.
"You have this to me on my birthday 5 years ago. I never seemed to have the guts to throw it out." . I pulled him in for a hug. We hugged for about 10 seconds before he pulled away.
"I'm gonna leave you here. You gonna be okay by yourself?" He asked me. I looked at him like he was absolutely nuts.
"Are you crazy? You said that no one moves, no one breathes!"
"I'm the chief. This is my hospital."
"Derek I-"
"You'll be fine, this will all be over soon," he said calmly before walking out of the office.

For about 15 minutes I did what I was told, I was quiet, and I didn't leave the office. But then I remembered Jackson. What happens if he's dying? What happens if he wants to to hold him while he's bleeding out? I sat up from the chair I was sitting in and I slowly opened the door of the office and creeped out of it. I took a deep breath and collected myself before I started walking down a corridor. After tiptoeing around for about ten minutes I made my way to a supply closet. I heard some "shh"'s coming from the room so I opened the door. Two people in the closet collapsed onto the floor.
"Don't sho- Addie?" Christina stood up and walked over to me. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me into the closet, quietly shutting the door behind her.
"First off, why the pink scrubs?" Christiana scoffed.
"I was supposed to be on PED's today, wanted to look pretty for the children,"
"Secondly, why are you walking around out in the open when a SHOOTER is on the loose?" Meredith finished Christiana's sentence for her, that happens a lot. You get used to it.
"I'm looking for Jackson!" I whisper yelled.
"Oh ur Prince Charming?" Christiana scoffed at me. I rolled my eyes in response.
"Aren't you worried about Owen? And Mer, aren't you worried about Derek?" They didn't respond.
"That's what I thought,"
Then all of a sudden, Mer leaned over and gagged.
"Are you alright?"
"I've been hurling everyday this week around- yep, right on schedule,"
"You should really get that checked out," I answered, a gross look on my face.
"oh my god, oh my god," Christiana whispered in fear. My and Mer looked over at her in confusion.
"oh my god, Addie, Mer get down,"
"What?!" Me and Meredith both said in unison. I squatted so I was "down" like Christiana told me to be.
"shh shh,"
"I don't-"
"that's the guy from the elevator,"
"What do you mean?"
"H-he asked me for directions to the chiefs office,"
"I don't follow,"
Then Meredith vomited into a bucket.

"Guys, this isn't a good idea,"
I had ahold of Meredith and Christiana's arms. We were slowly walking around looking for Derek. I stop dead in my tracks. I see the gunman, have a gun pointed at Derek.
"W- Derek,"
She tried to run to him but Christiana grabbed her. She was holding Mer back. I just stood there. Then, April came running out towards Derek.
"Dr.Shepherd thank god your back!" April cheered, then she saw the gunman. The man shot Derek immediately. He fell onto the floor. Mer started sobbing uncontrollably and screamed for Derek. I still didn't move. I couldn't quite make up what April was saying to the man over Mer but then she ran away. I grabbed Mer and Christiana by the arms and dragged them back into the closet. I slammed the door behind me.

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