Death and All Its Friends

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"ARE YOU NUTS MER?" I scolded her.
"B-but Derek could still be alive," Meredith protested through tears. I sighed. 
"We could get shot," Christiana added to what I said earlier.
"I'm going," he tried to push me out of the way of the door.
"No- no you aren't,"
"You wanna go? You gotta go through me!" I told her, confidence in my voice. She grabbed me by my shoulders and shoved me out of the way, then she ran out the door. I yelped as I hit the ground.
"Jesus, you good?" Christiana asked me as she helped me up. I nodded then we ran after Mer.

"oh my god Derek..." my bottom lip quivered as I looked at him. He was in horrible shape. Even worse than Alex.
"hold on okay? Please don't die. I can't live without you!" Mer was pleading with Derek.
"Mer... don't stress him out," I mumbled to her. I don't know if she heard me. I knelt down to Dereks side.
"Your gonna be okay, relax Derek," I told him in as much of a soothing voice as I could. I was shaking and I could hardly breathe. I put his face in my hands and I pushed his hair out of his face. He was in so much pain.
"I called the police," Christiana said out of breath and she ran up to us. A tear rolled down my cheek. He was going to die in our arms.
"Derek needs surgery I-"
"Please, Addie I'm begging you to help us,".
"I'm gonna get April, get him in the OR and prepped," I ordered them before I ran down the hall. I saw April sitting there, she was pale.
"April cmon, we're taking Derek down to the OR," I said as I knelt down to her level. I have her a warm smile.
"I saw on "oprah" or somewhere that if you tell them Personal details about yourself, they're less likely to kill you,"
"Cmon get up, we can do this okay?"
We held hands as we walked down to the OR together. April wasn't as bad as I thought she was. I'm a lot like her. Kind, hardworking, underestimated. If we both make it through this alive remind me to ask her to be friends. We'd make a great team. Once we made our way to the OR Christiana grabbed me and April's arms.
"Mer, you, um, you prep him,April, Addie, and I are gonna go find teddy. She should still be on this floor."
"Okay," Meredith answered. Her eyes locked on Derek.
"Okay, everything is gonna be fine. Okay, mer? I promise."

"We should look for Jackson during Derek's surgery, at least I should. I'm not cardio so I don't know much about hearts," I was worried sick about Jackson. It was eating me alive.
"I miss him," I whimpered holding back tears.
"Hold it together Carder,"
"Sorry Christiana,"
"It's creepy quiet down here," April added.
"He's down here, He's down here, he's down here," April kept repeating to herself under her breath.
"And Jackson, Jackson could be dying down here all alone and he could n-need help and we- no, I am here helping you guys find Altman instead,"
"Will you guys shut up! Your freaking me out and I don't have time to be freaked out,"
"Okay, mer is a mess, Derek is a mess, you guys are a mess, And I am in charge, and I say that no one is down here," Christiana declared. Then a door right in front of us creeped open. We all got down in the floor.
I kept my eyes on the floor not looking up.
"Jackson? Damn it," Christiana cursed, I looked up immediately to see Jackson's beautiful eyes meet with mine. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I ran into his arms. He picked me up and squeezed my waist.
"I thought- I would've swore you were dead. I would've come looking for you- b-but Derek is shot. I'm so sorry,"
"It's okay, I was hoping you didn't come looking for me, then you would be safe,"
"Okay love birds, Derek is dying cmon! We need Altman!" Christiana interrupted our moment.
"She's not down here,"
"Okay.. then go get Hunt,"
"He- he's not down here either,"
"Okay, you know what? Someone just shot Derek. He's got a GSW to the chest, And he needs surgery right now. Tell me there's an attending on this floor!"
"April, in the OR Behind me, there are two OR nurses and an anesthesiologist. Get 'em. Tell 'em to set up for a cardiac procedure,"
Me and Jackson exchanged looks.
"What- b- but who's going to operate on Dr.Shepherd?"
"I am," Christina answered.

Me, Jackson, Christina, some nurses, and an anesthesiologist were all ready for surgery. I was standing right beside Jackson.
"Where's April- a-and Mer?" I asked.
"They are sitting the the floor, they aren't gonna even peek until I'm done,"

"I don't know what to do. There's massive bleeding in the lungs, there is a bullet lodged right next to the aorta and a huge hematoma," Christina was under a heavy amount of stress. But she could not fuck this up.
"Would teddy use a graft or clamp and sew?"
"Pig or cow, pig or cow Christina,"
"Wha-" Jackson tried to question but he got cut off before he could finish.
"Clamp and sew. Definitely clamp and sew. Give me a clamp,"
"Badass," Jackson chuckled, you could tell he was trying to lighten the mood. Then there was a sound. I looked around, then I saw the door knob turning. Then the door open very slowly. I took a fast intake of breath. Jackson looked at me, he stepped so he was more in front of me. He was trying to protect me.
"Stop," The man said. Pointing a gun at Christina's head. She started to cry, but she kept going.
"I said STOP!" The man yelled louder. Bringing the gun closer to her head, then placing the gun on her neck.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just calm down. Calm down. Tell me what the problem is," Owen walked into the room, he was trying to calm everyone down and assess the situation.
"Owen!" Christina begged.
"I'm here,"
"OWEN!" She begged even louder, she was sobbing shaking.
"Hey, whoa hold on. Talk to me," Owen tried to soothe her.
"Stop fixing him!" The shooter demanded.
"No," Christina answered.
"Christina-" Owen tried to get her to stop.
"Addie, clamp the hilum so you can get control of the hemorrhage so I can get better visualization," Christina ordered. The shooter aimed the gun at me, I did what I was told. The shooter pointed the gun at my chest.
"Don't you dare," he said in a deep voice. I whimpered. He pointed the gun at Owen. Then he shot Owen.
"WAIT!" I screamed. Jackson looked at me, his look was saying no, no please. I stepped across the table and walked up to the man.
"W-whats your n-n-name?" I asked him trying to keep my cool.
"Clark, Gary Clark,"
"Well um- G- Mr.Clark, why are you u-upset with- Derek?" I asked, trying to defuse the situation.
"I ask the questions! Not you," he screamed at me. I flinched. He pointed the gun at the center of my head.
"I-I don't wanna d-die. I've barely lived. I- well I want to g-get married. I want to become t- the b-best surgeon at Seattle Grace/Mercy West," I begged him.
"please don't hurt me," I murmured. Then he aimed the gun down to my stomach. And he shot. I fell back onto my back and I tried to calm down. I looked down to my stomach, I was bleeding out, and fast. The blood was staining my clothing, and my body. I tried to apply pressure to the wound. But I was too weak. Everything that was happening around me was a blur. I tried everything I could to stay awake. I cried to crawl somewhere but it was useless. I heard faint sounds of screaming  and crying and many other things but I honestly couldn't tell you who or what it was. I was panicking. Everything I said to Mr.Clark was true, I wanted to get married and become the best surgeon at Seattle Grace/Mercy west. All that was on my mind this whole time, was Jackson. I wanted Jackson to hold me. Then everything went black.

"Addie? Addieee? Addie!!"
"April wait a second, she's gonna wake up,"
"Okay sorry Mer,"
I opened my eyes, and I saw Owen, April, and Meredith staring at me. I squinted at the bright light.
"H- how long was I out?"
"Not long at all, but your still in horrible condition," Hunt answered, he had a bullet to the shoulder.
"The bullet went in and out, but you lost a ton of blood. Your incredibly weak,"
"I-Is Jackson okay?"
"Dr.Avery is fine, they are wrapping up Derek's surgery now. He told me that he will be over as soon as he can,"
"alrighty," I mumbled in defeat. I wasn't going to argue with him asking too many details about what happened.
"What was that stunt that you pulled back there? You could've got yourself killed!" Mer scolded me.
"I was buying time, to safe YOUR husband," I answered. I groaned, a sharp pain in my side.
Then someone burst through the door.
"SHIT! HUNT WHY ARENT YOU HELPING HER? DO I NEED TO GO GET A CRASH CART- god damn it I-" Jackson was freaking out, pacing. But I cut him off.
"Ouch, your being too loud," I whined. He practically sprinted over to me. Tears were streaming down his face. He grabbed my face in his hands. He caressed my cheek with his thumbs. A smile grew on his face.
"I thought I'd never see you again," he said, his voice breaking in between words. I smiled back at him. Then 5 people in SWAT suits burst through the door.
"We have to evacuate the building, cmon!" They ordered. Jackson immediately picked me up. Everyone ran out of the building. Once we reached the outside of the building, the warm air hitting my face, Jackson stopped.
"Put me down I'm not a child," I joked. He lightly sat me down on the sidewalk, 50 people at least were all roaming around. Fire trucks and sirens going off. Jackson sat down right beside me and kissed me. Once we pulled away I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you, I love you so so much Jackson,"
"I love you more,"

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