Why does it matter?

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Fight or flight
A choice we all must make
Life of death
Right or wrong
White or black

If we all see differently
Who can decide?

Who has the right to decide for another?
Who gets to say who live or dies?
Who gets to choose were a person walks or takes a shit?
Who has the right to trap and murder another human being because it's  "justified"

No one
There is no Man, Woman, or Child who can
There is no MAN!
No white man, no black man, no hispanic, and no asian man, who can say they have the right to do so

So why?
Why do we as the human race believe ourselves to be better?

Money? Means nothing if we are dead
Fame? Means nothing if we are dead
Believes? They mean nothing if we are dead!

After we are 6ft under the ground
The sun will still rise and fall
People will still live and die

So why?
Why does it matter?

Why does it matter if used the same bathroom as you?
Why does it matter if a Hispanic women and her child sat on the same bus as you?

Please tell me.

Why does it matter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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