Chapter 1: The Massive Seed

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A boy was walking down the bus aisle, then the bus driver stopped the bus and the boy flipped.

"Hey!! What's going on??" Asked the boy. The bus driver said nothing and stayed silent. The boy got angry and now it is his stop so he walked out of the bus.

"Frickk u" he said to the bus driver. The boy tripped on something as he was walking to his house, it was a massive seed. The boy then had an idea to plant it. Maybe it is an apple tree, a orange tree, or maybe his favorite, a peach tree. The boy grabbed the seed quickly and ran home, excited to plant the massive seed in his old garden. The boy goes to his yard, dug a hole, and put his seed in. He then watered the seed carefully to not drown or dehydrate the plant. He kissed the seed and waited the next day.

The next day, the boy went to check outside. It grew faster than he expected, it's only been a day and the tree has ready grown! The voy was very very surprised. He climbed up onto the tree, and noticed it was higher than he thought.

"Aahh!!" He heard a voice. He shrieked and jumped off the tree. He looked up closely at the tree and observed it very carefully. What is wrong with this tree? As the boy was watching the tree, he saw a long black tail.

"You stepped on my tail, you idiot!!" The mysterious creature came out of the hole in the tree. It looked like his dead cat! The boy screamed super high. So high that it is higher than the moon.

"D-DaBaby??!?!!?!" The boy said, very scared.

"Uhm, yes, it's me!! You named me that, right, George?" Said DaBaby, the black cat. "What are you doing here? You know this tree is very dangerous!!"

"What are YOU doing here?! Also, I planted this tree!" George asked angrily.

"'s a long story, but right now, I need to tell you something." Said DaBaby, "I will grant you 5 wishes, but! If you made all your wishes, you will no longer see this tree. Ever again."

"Well, I wish to have INFINITY wishes!!" George wished.

"No infinite wishes, you dummy. There are certain rules for wishing." DaBaby jumped down to George. "Now, here are the rules: 1. No asking for infinite anything. 2. No bringing a dead/fake person/object to life. And 3. No asking for superpowers."

"Okay fine. Then I WONT make a wish!" George said, pouting. He sat down on the ground glaring at DaBaby. "What does this tree grows anyway?"

"Well..this tree is very special, but also dangerous. It grows anything you desire, even money. But it can only grow realistic objects" George looked pleased, as he already knew what he wanted.

"Well, then, give me the thing that I desire." George grinned. The tree grew peaches. George gasps super loud happily and grabs the peaches to gobble them messy. DaBaby groans.

"Alright, what's your wish?"

"Well..I wish for peaches! With honey.

"Very well, George" Peaches covered in honey with a stick on it fell onto his hands. George munches on them with a big smile. After he finished, he let out a big burp.

"Welp, I'm full now. Bye." George walked away. "Maybe tomorrow I'll make more wishes." 

Published April 15 2021

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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