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These visions she had been seeing were the ones to make the people around her believe she was crazy. But she swore she could see black wings on her back, and she was sure that her father was one of them, the fallen ones.

Everybody would say that her father just died, in an accident, everyone except her mother. Her mother was the one that saw him flying back to heaven, because he asked for forgiveness and God forgave him for his sins. God forgave him for giving life to her, to Lucie.

Wearing her black jeans and top, walking in the forest with her wet all-star shoes, in the middle of a heavy winter, you wouldn't say she was the most normal person in the world.

Nobody is normal, there doesn't exist such thing. Some of as just pretend to feel the same as everyone, and the others are crazy because they have their own way of thinking. And maybe the ones aren't "normal" are the ones that don't have their way of thinking. And maybe Lucie was normal, wanting to see, to feel the winter... Maybe she was wise enough wanting to know, to learn and to face winter as winter is. Not through thick jackets and coats, but as winter really is.

The trees were covered by a blanket of snow, as well as the roofs of the houses and the grass, the flowers, the roses that she loved. Everything was white, and she seemed just gorgeous dressed in black.

She wasn't the only thing that you could spot... Red drops of liquid in a row. You could say it was blood, red so vivid, like rose's petals. Lucie turned off her mp3 player, silence... nothing alive.

Suddenly she felt something forcing her to follow the red spots. And a feeling of confidence and an untamable power overflowing her body and filling the air with a gentle smell of roses.

Everything so wonderful, so beautiful and a strange feeling in her back, and then freedom...

When she turned back she could see them, she could see her wings once again, great black wings so big that you could see them from miles away. And she followed the red blood path ready to give her life to protect the creature that was bleeding...

She flew as fast as she could not even knowing how to. It was instinct for her, she always knew how to, just like all people learn how to walk and then they don't remember how they learnt she always knew how to fly not remembering how she learnt to.

Flying up in the gray sky, covered up with gray clouds ready to rain and make the soft snow, ice and everybody have one more reason to stay in their homes, hopefully everyone.

At the end of the red blood path Lucie saw a white wolf, with rich fur, such a beautiful animal, who could have hurt it? And she could see the same red color on the wolf's fur. And it seemed just like it did on the snow, but this wasn't beautiful.

It was picturing heartlessness and the wolf's eyes were picturing agony, pain and need for help.

Lucie landed on a rock. She got to help the hurt animal, but as she approached the animal was turning into a woman.

A girl around Lucie's age was sitting where the wolf was hurt, bleeding. "Go away, he is coming back" the girl said and before she could even finish her phrase she was unconscious on the ground. But the beast that had done this to her, had returned for more.

Lucie could not let him kill the girl, so she attacked. Just a scratch on the wolf's face was enough to scare him off.

He was a gray wolf, just like the sky that day, and his eyes were blue as the sea. You could see he was angry, and afraid, afraid of her...

What kind of a beast was she, to scare off a wolf of that size, she thought.

But she hadn't scared him off. He just went back to bring up help with him.

Soon after he ran off, he was back with maybe fifty wolves, each one of them was smaller than the wolf she had faced before.

They were strong and muscular, each one ready to attack Lucie from a different angle. In front of them the gray wolf. He must be their leader, Lucie thought.

They were barking; it was like they were just officially announcing that there would be a fight...

Lucie was not feeling that confident anymore and her wings where nowhere to be seen. That power that was filling the air was gone with the rose's scent.

She was powerless and she felt dizzy, but just when she thought of running away, the same strange thing that made her go to protect the girl, wouldn't let her go.

And suddenly she could not feel anything but pain, the wolves' attack had begun and the only thing she could do was stay there and wait for her death, quietly.

Fallen AngelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora