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Savannah's eyes shot open.

A tingle spread through her body.

It was August 30th, exactly one hour away from 9.00am, and her first glimpse into the magical world.

A flurry of thoughts rushed through her head as she raced down the hallway to her aunt and uncle's bedroom. She burst the door open and exclaimed 'It's the day! Finally!'

What came after that were a rapid series of words. All Mr and Mrs Fernsby could make out were 'prepare', 'magic', 'excited' and more words, spoken in a squeaky squealing voice which Savannah hardly ever used.

Mr Fernsby was just hoping that the whole process would be at least fairly ordinary and not make the neighbours stare at them.

By the time the two elder Fernsbys had officially woken up, it was 8.30 and Savannah was in a frantic rush to make everything her idea of perfect.

Clarisse was sitting on her bed, with a tired and grumpy look on her face. Having been woken up by Savannah at 4.00am was, as she had learned, wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. Plus she also wanted to be able to do magic. However, she wasn't one to hold grudges.

Savannah had been some reading on this mysterious Hogwarts place and found out about the houses. The book was second hand so it had some notes in it, promoting Gryffindor. But Savannah was also interested in Ravenclaw. She knew of course that Clarisse, without doubt, would be Hufflepuff. Slytherin was a house she was confused about however. Was it good or bad?

When she realised she had stopped her endless task of perfection with only 5 minutes to go, she quickly scolded herself and rubbed frantically at every dust spot and hid everything that could be considered out of place.

And then the chaos inside her broke out as a deafening knock on the door sounded.

She squealed.

As she opened the door to a huge man too tall to be classified as normal, she realised that this was her first impression on anyone in the magical world.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

Say something went wrong? How would she become head girl then? Or get a good job? Or -

"Calm down."

It was as if Clarisse could read her thoughts. So she took a deep breath, stepped slowly forwards and smiled sweetly.

"Hello! I'm Savannah Black! You must be Hagrid. Come in!"

Hagrid talked to her for a while in his rough voice and then said he would demonstrate some magic.

"Real magic?" Savannah asked, "Or just fake illusions? Because if it is just an illusion and my aunt and uncle have just come up with this as a joke and hired you to trick me, I shall see personally to their punishment. So tell me now or I'll run away forever! Real or fake?"

Hagrid stuttered, clearly taken aback at the girl showing her true dramatic colours. Actually, looking back he found it quite amusing, a 10 year old girl threatening him, a half-giant!


His stream of thought was interrupted.

"Real o' course! Ya think ya uptight ordinary aunt an' uncle woul' do summink so crazy jus' to get a laugh from ya?"

Hagrid stood up, his head bumping against the ceiling, and said:

"Now, let's see then! Wha' spells can I do? I know Levita-ing spell! Wingardium Leviosa!"

"Transparent string." Savannah retaliated," You'd never admit to it being fake, I should've known. You've probably hidden things everywhere!"

"Alrigh' then, ya wan' summink more complica-ed? Incendio!"

Savannah screamed and leapt up as her books set fire.

"My books! My precious books! Put it out! I demand that you put it out!"

With another flick of his borrowed wand, he put out the fire. Miraculously, they weren't charred, or burnt in anyway.

"Ya believe me now?"


She called her aunt, uncle and cousin, who had been waiting outside the room, in and informed them of her decision. She decided she would go to Hogwarts.

So Savannah Black, the only hope to the wizarding worlds survival, sat down, satisfied, embracing her destiny with open arms.

Hagrid explained some more, how he would take her to pick up Harry today, since the Dursley's had rushed him away, and how they would go school shopping before returning back to Privet Drive.

She was still slightly disappointed that Harry was magical, not Clarisse, but mostly she was grateful that she herself had magical blood in her veins.

And then it was time to leave.

With one final smile, she waved at her ordinary relatives as she decided it was time to embark on a journey to an extraordinary world.



I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I enjoyed writing it and showing Savannah's REAL character as well as revealing that Clarisse was Hufflepuff. I'm not a Hufflepuff myself, but still I think that Hufflepuffs don't get enough credit.

Anyway in the comments, tell me which house you think Savannah should be in! I've already decided, but I want to see what everyone else thinks!

Also my AMAZING editor is FluffyRainbowPower , and I'm sorry for the late update.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

NayNay 🦋

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