☘︎Chapter 1☘︎

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It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair how everyone could be so happy enjoying themselves while his friend was unwell. It wasn't fair that because that small cute boy joined his whole life got turned around it wasn't fair.

Asahi was sitting down in the shade with a book in his hand he was out of the way so nobody really noticed him. When he was noticed people just went the other way. It wasn't that Asahi was a gangster or he was weird. It was just the fact he looked older than his age. He looked like a male going into his thirties. He had a deep voice and was always angry. He was angry at Noya and his friends. It wasn't jealousy or anything it's just because they came his closest friend Suga.... things happened to him that he wouldn't dare tell anyone about.

Who was Noya? Noya was one of the cutest funniest and flexible guys he had ever met. However to many he looked like one of those who didn't concentrate in  class. He was always goofing about, hooking up with people he barely knew and was always at the liveliest of parties. Asahi had decided he was going to end Noyas fun one way or the other. He would make Noya pay.

Meanwhile on the other of the campus Noya was talking with his friends about what they were gonna do that weekend.
"Omg, omg I heard there is a massive party on Saturday we should crash it" Tanaka shouted.
"Babe, calm down your being so loud" Ennoshita chuckled. Just then a few girl passed by Tanaka and they all said in a flirtatious voice                                                                                                           " Heyy Tanaka~" The last girl at the back even smacked his ass when she was behind him. He jumped a bit making all the girl giggle and run off. Tanaka blushed and Noya took that opportunity to take a picture. 

" Noya delete that picture!" Tanaka whispered in an embarrassed voice 

" Hmmm," Noya pretended to be thinking" how about no, it's for memories"

" Lol Noya your always making memories" Kinnoshita snickered.
"Ryu, maybe you should go out with those girl tonight. It would be a very fun night for you. Oh wait I forgot you a bottom!"                                                                                                                                  Noya's statement made Narita, Kinnoshita, Ennoshita and himself burst into laughter while Tanaka just stood there as red as a tomato.
"It's not funny, maybe I will ditch you guys to go with the ladies" Tanaka turned round with his arms crossed.
Ennoshita put his hands around Tanaka's waist                                                                                                     " Your forgetting you have me Ryu~" Ennoshita whispered loud enough for the others to hear in Tanaka's ear.
"And you guys say your not dating, honestly your so obvious about it."
Like identical twins they both said" We aren't dating!"                                                                                 Well Tanaka said it with more enthusiasm, Ennoshita just said it as if he was reciting a boring poem he had read multiple times before.    

                                                                                                                                                                                          "Anyway Ryu and I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys!" With that Ennoshita picked up Tanaka and plopped him over his shoulder made his way to his dorm. " Bye Yuu, Hisashi and Kazhito!" Tanaka waved before shouting at Ennoshita to let him down. In the end Ennoshita just ended up caring Tanaka bridal style into the dorms.
" We're not dating!" Noya mimicked in Tanaka's voice causing them all to laugh. "Lol I guess I'll see you two tomorrow." 

Noya sighed as they made their way inside the dorms still managing to hear Tanaka complaining. " Bye!" They all said entering there separate  dorms. Tomorrow was going to be a day they never expected

Before Noya could shut his door someone's foot blocked its way. As politely as he could Noya spoke "Excuse me, I'm really tired, can we talk tomor- oh it's you!" hello....... baby.

The brunette kissed Noya on the cheek making his way into the smaller boys dorm room. As the 6ft boy loomed over Noya he spoke. "Hey, I heard you were going to a party tomorrow I was hoping if I could come?" Noya sat on his couch as he gave the other boy, who was making himself at home, a sceptical look. "What do you really want, I already know you are going to the party so why ask."                                                                                                                                                                   The older male smirked at this statement, "So you didn't think to tell me you were going to this party, who knows what could have happened." Noya bent his head now keeping quiet just giving a slight nod when the older male handed him a mug of hot cocoa joining him on the couch beside him.       

                                                                                                                                                                                           "Hmm, your not gonna give me an answer, Oh well make sure you wear something good; can't have you looking like a freak now. Oh now come on don't give me the silent treatment." The older male placed his mug on the coffee table in front of him and gently grabbed Noyas' chin up so he was facing him.                                                                                                                                                         "I love you ok." Noya nodded as he leaned in to kiss the older boy. They could never get enough of moments like this, where it was them in one of their dorms enjoying each other. Before the colleges popular setter could wrap his hands around Noya a knock could be heard at the door, obviously annoyed the taller male sat up before Noya could; signifying he was gonna check who was the bastard who interrupted their make-up session.

                                                                                                                                                                                            "What do you want at my Noya's dorm this late at night" A small 'stop with the my Noya thing' could be heard from the other side of the room which the older male just rolled his eyes at.              "I've come too drop of Noya's shirt he left it at my house last night after we finishe-.."                          "And that's where I'm gonna stop you, thanks for washing it by the way!" Noya gave the male on the other side of the door a heart-warming smile. He had made his way quickly to the door when he had heard the familiar voice from the previous night appeared. This obviously annoyed brunette had shooed Noya away after the guy had said "Noya make sure your ready for next time, I won't go so easy on you next time!" Noya giggled at this and as soon as he was out of earshot the brunette grabbed the smirking males shirt bringing him to his face            

   "There isn't gonna be a next time you punk so watch it." A venomous aura changed the boys recently smirking face into an anxious expression. He knew better than to mess with this boy, if he wanted Noya then he had him end off story. "Yeah I've got it sorry man, Noya umm well I'll see you around, bye." Noya had made his way back to the door wondering why the boy was acting odd. Even though the door was still wide open Oikawa grabbed Noya into yet another kiss which Noya had sunken into. The other boy watched the two boys causing him so blush, Oikawa lifted Noya up and turned towards the flustered boy, "What you waiting for.. GO!! oh and shut the door on your way out. Oikawa made his way to Noya's room and before the boy could leave in between the kisses Noya managed to say "Goodbye~.... uuuh~    and~ thaaa~nk you what's your~ nauume~ oh yeah D a i c h i- san~!" 

Asahi had watched and heard Noya's plans for the next day and knew the party was where he could commence his plans. He was never gonna expect what was gonna happen to him. And with that Asahi made his way to his own dorm and got himself ready for the next day.

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