Day 45 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick had the day off today, and today they had one thing to do: wedding planning. They had been engaged for almost a month now, and had barely planned anything.

The couple invited a lot of their friends over the house, like Camilla, TR, Jesse, Chandra, Shonda, and many more over to help.

It was around noon when everyone came, and Ellen had made a ton of snacks for everybody and put it on the porch. Ellen had a direct walk to the beach, so all the kids their friends brought were running around.

"So, where do we start?" Ellen asked with a nervous laugh. "Venue. Where do you guys want it to be?" Camilla asked. "Since when are you a wedding planner?" Jesses smirked.

Camilla rolled her eyes. "Do you guys want a beach wedding?'s beautiful out here." Chandra said as she approached the group.

"Do we?" Patrick asked, facing Ellen. "I don't. Maybe we can have the reception here?" Ellen asked, biting her lip. "Okay. What else are we thinking?"

"I know a place. Matt and I were going to chose there, but it got full. It's the church, Saint Marie's. I don't know if you want a church wedding or not but..." Camilla trailed off.

Patrick looked at Ellen. They never really discussed that yet. "I went to church a few times." Ellen shrugged. "I did too. Maybe we can have our our ceremony? Outside somewhere?" Patrick suggested.

"I like that." Ellen replied. "I know the perfect place. It's on this beach, but way far down. It's beautiful." Shonda said.

"What's it called?" Patrick asked.

"They're called the 'Beach wedders." Shonda said. "It's gorgeous. They set it all up for you, and it's not exactly on the beach, but right in front of it. There's chairs and the view is gorgeous."

"I'll give them a call." Ellen said with a smile. "Okay, so we got the venue maybe, the reception, and we need the guest list." Camilla said, pointing at the list.

"Family first. I made the mistake of doing friends first and I forgot half my family." Chandra said with a laugh.

"I don't know if I want my brothers and sisters coming out with covid." Ellen said. "We're they vaccinated?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, but I don't know..." Ellen trailed off.

"Well, I have my sisters and my father, to start." Patrick said. "Okay. That's a good start. El, what about bridesmaids? And who's going to walk you down the aisle?" Camilla asked.

Ellen sighed. "Probably one of my brothers." She said. "Okay."

"Now a date. When are we looking at?" Shonda questioned. "Maybe a few months?" Ellen asked Patrick. "May?" Patrick asked.

"That sounds good to me." She replied. "So, around may?" Camilla asked. "Yes." The two confirmed.


For a few more hours, they chatted about the wedding. They had planned quite a bit, from the venue to the reception.

After everybody went home, it was around 5pm. "We got a lot done today." Patrick said with a smile, walking over and wrapped her in his arms.

"Yes we did. We're actually getting married." Ellen said, turning in his arms to face him. "We are." Patrick replied.

"I've loved you since the minute you walked into that trailer." He admitted. "Me too." Ellen whispered, pressing her lips against his.

"We should do some celebrating." He murmured against her lips. "We should." Ellen agreed. He picked her up and quickly went to the bedroom.


The two laid in bed after making love and enjoyed being in each other's arms. "Which brother is gonna walk you down the aisle?" Patrick asked.

"I don't know. I wish my dad were here." Ellen admitted quietly. "He would be proud of you." Patrick replied. "Your mom would be proud of you too."

"What was it like?" Patrick blurted. "What was what like?" Ellen asked with a confused face. "Not having a mother? I're so strong. I don't know what I would've done without my mom." Patrick asked.

Ellen sighed. "It was hard. You know, when she died I...I didn't understand it. I was 4. I thought she went on a trip. But even now I still have dreams of her....seeing it actually happen over and over in my head."

"You saw it?" Patrick asked. Ellen nodded. "I was eating breakfast and she just...collapsed. That was the last time I saw her. My brothers took me away. Then it was her funeral." Ellen replied sadly.

"I'm so sorry, el." Patrick whispered. Ellen burrowed closer to him and sniffled. "I think she would be proud of me. Getting married. Again." Ellen whispered. "She would. I know it."

"I miss her." Ellen admitted. "I know you do. But she's still with you, looking down on you. So is your father." Patrick replied.

"Thank you." Ellen said quietly. "For what?"

"Loving me."

Hey guys! I hope you all Enjoyed this chapter and please if you have any ideas for future chapters drop them. I'm running out of ideas. I hope your all doing well and hope your taking care of yourselves. Sorry for the short chapter.

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