My little bird

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There it was, just lying on the ground with a broken wing. Everyone seemed to pass by without noticing the little thing lying there. Nobody cared about its wing being twisted back, not looking right. Its feathers were dirty and one couldn't see its usually bright green and blue tainted plumage.

That was until a young boy walked by. He immediately called for his mom to come over. He then bent down to pick up the little creature to inspect the twisted wing. At this point, the bird was just happy that someone cared. It never thought being so small was a disadvantage. Now that it experienced a fall and being helpless, it wished to be slightly bigger.

The mother and son bought it straight to the vet to have its wing checked out. The whole trip there, the bird just put his head into the boy's hand and rested.

Throughout the time at the vet, the little bird sat still. It let the tall man inspect his wing and carefully clean its feathers. Everyone was astonished by the bright colours being revealed. Unfortunately, it couldn't understand what the humans were talking about, but it felt safe whatever would happen. The vet put a little stick underneath its wing. It hurt like crazy, but it knew it would hold still it would help. 

The little boy learned that his new friend fell out of a nest and was hit by a boot. Someone had kicked the little thing, thinking it was dead and not just injured. He couldn't believe why someone would hurt his little friend. His first thought was to find the person who kicked it but he himself was too small. So he made it his task to help this little bird until it finally could return to the wildness.

The little boy told his mother he wanted to take care of the bird until it was healthy enough to go. Seeing the determination in her son's eyes the mother just smiled and nodded. She was so happy to see her son having such a big heart, trying to help this innocent little bird. She was so proud that her son was not afraid of such a big task. It made her even more joyful seeing the little bird hopping towards her son's hand and laying its head on it.

Finally, the boy picked the little bird up again and walked to the car. Stopping at a pet shop on their way back home. They bought a few things for their new family member. With excitement, the boy picked a few toys for the bird to play with.

Mother and son brought the bird home and set it in the new cage with soft straw and a big water bowl in it. The little bird felt right at home. It suddenly felt like he had found a new home. The toys lying around made him so happy. Its favourite thing was a tiny little teddy with a heart in its paws. Snuggling up to it, it felt right a sleep

A few weeks later, the little wing was straight again, and it could move around. Now the time had finally come to leave its save heaven. Over the weeks, the little boy and bird had formed a strong bond. But both knew that the little bird had to be set free soon. The last days were sad, but both enjoyed each others company. Until one morning, the little boy opened the cage door one last time. His little friend hopped on his hand and nestled his head one last time into the young boy's hand. The little boy stroked his head one last time. He went outside, set him on the garden table and waited for it to spread its wings to take off, but the bird just stood there and looked at the boy tilting his head. It seemed indecisive to leave, but suddenly it hopped off the table, spreading its wings and taking off into the sunset. The little boy waved goodbye and walked back inside. It felt strange to see this little creature leave, but he felt good because he knew it was time to let it go.With a good feeling, the boy went to bed and dreamed of the wonderful times he had with his little friend.One year later, a little bird was sitting on their garden table just starring at the door. It was the boy's little friend finally returning home.

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