Featured - Regrets I Have

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So, every writer has certain things they regret. Rowling(*cough* evil terf *cough*) probably regrets creating Umbridge. Uncle Rick regrets the Percy Jackson films. So, it's only natural I regret a few things of my works. Here's a list of the top five things I regret from this series:

1. Thea and Zoe

Yes, they're a beautiful couple. Too bad they only lasted one chapter. Originally, I was going to make Zoe date Daniel, and then have everyone says she was the traitor, which Daniel would obviously defend. Then I thought about Thea and Zoe(hint: Zoe's not a top) and wrote that they kissed in the middle of the final battle of the second book. Then, I thought about killing Zoe off. This was already something I had in mind, so it wasn't a random thought in my head. Unfortunately, I didn't give Zoe and Thea enough time together to actually get a thing going, so it was really rushed. But my biggest regret about Thea and Zoe is the ritual thing Thea did that Daniel mentioned in the prologue of this book. At first I thought it was cute, but now I regret writing it because Thea and Zoe did only know each other for barely a week.

2. Ben's Personality/Last Name

As I was writing Ben, I was trying to base him off my dream(pun intended) guy, since Daniel is based off my dream self. During this time however, I was still fairly new to my own sexuality, so I didn't exactly know what I liked. That's why Ben goes from confident in his first appearance to soft boi later on, in case you've noticed. Now it's all settled down, but I still cringe as I read the old Ben.

About his last name, I really messed up. At the moment, I was going through a Edward Cullen simp phase. I also thought Ben was a lot like Percy Jackson, due to the fact that both their step-fathers are really alike, and that Ben uses a trident, which is Poseidon's weapon. Hence the birth of the name, Cullinson *shudders in cringe*. Eventually, I changed it to Collinson, and indirectly blamed the U in Cullinson as a typo. I still hate the last name, but at least it's not Cullinson.

3. The Manticore

Let's take a trip down memory lane. Or at least I will. This whole idea of starting a fic series(and a lot of the scenes from this series) come from roleplays I've done with my friends. In fact, the overall plot of the series was derived from a roleplay, along with the plot of the second book. 

So, the manticore scene from the first book also came from a roleplay, though it was with a different monster. I, personally, didn't like the scene in the fic. Don't get me wrong, I loved this scene in the roleplay, but it didn't really fit in the fic. I just thought it was slightly unrealistic, given that they flew across an ocean at heights humans shouldn't be able to breathe.

4. Aragog's Name

Aragog Scamander is a roleplayer I talked to a few times. I decided to include his character in the fic, cause why not? But I didn't change his name. I regret doing this, since, someone has the first AND last name of two Harry Potter characters in a fic where the main character is the son of Hecate. So I loaded my writing gun and killed him off. Sorry about that, man.

5. Addy's Description

So, this is something that slightly bothers me. Addy. My image of her constantly changes. At first, she was going to look like Zoe Saldana. Then, I realized I needed more POC characters. So, I thought of Addy. So now, she looks more like Hazel, but with brown hair and not-so-hazel eyes. 

Bonus: THE Prologue

Yes. THE Prologue. The first one. The Iron Man of my series. Expect it kinda sucks. I wanted to give a backstory of Daniel, at least so the reader wasn't confused on who the character was. Also, I wanted to create suspense as to what exactly he did to his father. So, I info-dumped. Forgive me for that. 

Second Bonus because I have no amount of self-control: Ana

Don't worry, frosty44bee, I don't regret Ana. In fact, she's on my top five crushes from the series. What I do regret about Ana is the amount of focus I give her. More specifically, the lack of such. She is such a good character, and a cute little angry cinnamon roll. Buuuut, I didn't give her much focus. When she seemed a bit off after the snake guy chapter, it was because I wanted to add emotional turmoil. Ana felt useless on the quest, so she was pissed/sad about it. And then I forgot about that completely. Then, I remembered it again, and decided to make her the Harry Potter of the series(in other words, the chosen one). 

Thanks to you all for bearing with me :3

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