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"James--" "Not right now Jey, I'm busy. " "But--" "I said not now! " He said, quickly rushing off. Jey sighed and transformed into her adult female form. She headed back up to the surface and headed to her home. When she walked into the house, she saw her troll boyfriend, eating a fork. He swallowed it quickly, " Hey Jey. " He said nervously. She laughed at his reaction. "How many times have I told you to not eat the forks without my permission! " She said laughing as she went and pulled out a bunch of broken spoons and forks, handing it to him.

He chuckled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day? " He said, throwing himself onto her couch. "Same as usual. " She said, sitting on the ground. The troll smiled at her and stared, making her look up at him from her phone. "What? " He smirked, " Nothing. " He said chuckling. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

Ima give y'all a warning, just in case. So warning⚠⚠⚠

Jey walked into her house tiredly. School was not easy, I mean it's been what? Years. Since she has taught or had been fighting to protect the king. Jey rubbed her face and walked to the mirror and looked at herself. She growled at herself, soon started to change her form to all her looks from a teen to adult. She glared at herself, she was like 400 years old, no big deal.

She hated herself. 'He left you. You were unwanted after James passed. You are alone. ' she laughed "Shut up. " 'Even human kind judges you. Your students are starting to judge. ' Jey groaned, " Just shut up. " She said, looking down at the sink. The voices continued, making Jey pull her hair. "I SAID SHUT UP! " She punch the mirror, shattering it, making half of the pieces fall and shatter more.

She rolled her eyes and left the pieces and shattered mirror there. Stepping over it and walking out of the bathroom.

Right now Jim and the others were fighting a new enemy the have never seen before. The female enemies summoned skeletons, crackling, before flying towards Jey, sending her through a wall into a different room.

"Such a shame. " She said stepping on Jey's face. "A strong changeling, but on the wrong side of the war. " She said kicking Jey's stomach, making her cough. "Lover and Loved ones hmmm, oh right! DEAD. " She said with a crackle, throwing another kick. "To bad he didn't love your changeling side. " Jey's eyes bursted open with a bright glow. She pulled out her weapons, " Awww so heartbroken that you COULDN'T SAVE HIM! " She said, letting a hideous laugh out. Soon Jey's sword soon slide through the woman.

Soon Jim rushed in, " Jey! " Jim yelled, running to the changeling. "Are you alright? " Jey felt tears run down her face. "He was an imbecile anyway. " Jim raised a brow, " Who was? " "My Ex. " She said, walking away to the others. "You had an ex?! " Said Jim interested and rushed off after her. She rolled her eyes. "Whaaaaaa?!" Said Toby following behind. "That's interesting... " Said Draal behind Jim. "So Jey had a little lover~" Said Claire smirking. "Can we stop talking about it!? " Yelled Jey turning towards the group. A small tear rolled down her face, " He's dead to me so just stop and let's continue back. " She said, turning away and continuing ahead.

Time skip

They set up camp. Jey sat near the camp fire as the rest were sleeping. She heard a small thud next to her, she looked over to see Jim. "Want to talk about it? " She looked away and sighed. "I'm able to turn my human form to any age, I mean, I have been alive for many years, and I am different. " She said looking at her hand, soon transforming herself into an older human being, like her form for school.

"I was out and found a troll. " Jim looked at her wide eyed. " I was in my human form. I took him in to my home and took care of him, we feel in love. I thought it was finally time to show him who I truly was. When he saw who I was, or my other side of me, he just got scared and thought Of was just using him to get to the troll hunter. I ran away from my own home. " She looked at the ground. "Then your father found me and trained me. " She looked at the fire. "But I failed him. " Jim placed a hand on her shoulder. "You did what you could. " He said smiling at her. She smiled back sadly.

In the morning, before the sun had come out, Claire sneaked past Jey and went to go practice her new staff. As she was training, the rock behind her opened. She turned and saw a troll standing there. Her eyes widened. "OMG! " She said, making  portal, teleporting her back to where they were camping. "I never saw her leave! " Yelled Jey, pulling at her hair. "Guys! " "Omg Claire you scared us!! " Yelled Toby, Jim rushing to her and hugged her. "You won't believe what I just saw! " Just at that moment, everyone blacked out.

Draal was the first to wake up. "Jim? " He said, rubbing his head, sitting up. "Look! One woke up! " Said a small troll, as he then laid himself on Draal's head. Draal raided a brow (if he has any lol) " Um, where are the others? " He said, picking up the troll from his head. "Oh the prisoners?? " Said the troll before giggling. "Prisoners? " Said Draal tilting his head. He got up and followed the troll. He saw Jim, Toby, and Claire in a cell. " Draal! " "Trollhunter! " Draal ran to the cell, " Did they hurt you!? " Said Draal holding Jim's hands. "I'm alright! Is Jey with you? " "No I woke up alone. " Suddenly a crowd of screams erupted. "Help is out please! " Said Claire standing next to Jim. Draal ripped off the cell door. They rushed out of the area. They couldn't believe what they saw. A huge crowd of trolls were shouting to kill someone. " Is that... " Toby said as his eyes widened. "Quick! " They tried pushing through the crowd, but it was too strong. "STOP! " A strange voice yelled out.. "It's the chief! " Everyone went silent. "Release her and get back to what you were doing! " They released Jey and rushed off.

The group rushed up to Jey. "Are you okay?! " Asked Claire, kneeling next to her. "Yeah.... " She looked up and her eyes widened. "Xavier!? " "Jey!? " The troll named Xavier yelled out, eyes widening. "You left! " Xavier said moving back. "You were scared. " Hey says standing up. "Jey.... " He reached a hand towards her but she transforms into her changeling form, making Xavier stumble back. "Still afraid. Alright, thanks. Well be on our way. " Jey said, turning into her human form and pushing the group away. Suddenly a knife goes flying past Jim's face. "Woah! " Draal pulled Jim behind him, making him blush a little. Claire pulled out her staff and Toby pulled out his hammer, that was giving to him by Blinky.

A knife went flying towards Jey's face, only to me caught by Claire, " Thanks girly. " Hey said smirking, pulling her bow and arrows out. Another knife went flying towards Xavier, only for Jey to shoot an arrow at it, to avoid hitting Xavier. He looked at Jey, she scoffed and took another arrow, only to be stabbed. She let out a cough. "Jey! " Toby yelled and everyone rushed towards her. She pulled out the knife, " Angor Rot.... "She growled out before passing out. Jim looked around, " Where's my amulet?! " He said in panic. "This?! " Xavier pulled out Jim's amulet and transformed. Draal ran to the directions of where the knifes were thrown, only to see Draal flying back. "Draal! " Jim rushed towards him quickly. Angor Rot came out of the shadows and attacked Claire. "Claire!! " Jim and Toby yelled, but it was too late. A portal opened and they both fell through it.

I am happy and proudly able to present to you a 100+ word chapter to you!

Also I want to make a small vote and ask two questions!

The questions are:

What if Angor rot and Jey got together?

And if you disagree, you don't need to vote.

But the vote is

Angor rot x Jey


Xavier x Jey

You don't need to, but I was just wondering! Love y'all! Have a great day and be safe!!

Thank you for everything!!

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