These drugs are callin' me

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"He goes by ColdHart"

When I tell you my eyeballs almost popped out of my head from shock..

I knew he looked familiar

"No way I know him! He's apart of GBC!"

"Yea...anyway um I have to go deliver more pizzas cya."he said as he turned around and left.

I shut my door.

"ColdHart has a twin brother?" I whispered in confusion to myself.

How come nobody knew about this?
How come I didn't know about this?
And I know EVERYTHING about GBC not in a creepy way though.

I walked back into the living room and sat next to Avery on the couch. "What took so long just to give money and grab our pizza?" She asked.

"I just meant ColdHart's twin brother." I say nonchalantly even though I was screaming on the inside. Maybe I'm still in shock??

"What the hell! No way, AND YOU DIDN'T COME AND GET ME?!"

"It's not my fault my soul left my body due to shock!"

"Mhm" Avery said joking around.

Avery opened the box of cheese pizza.

"Mmm, this smells sooo good" she said as the smell of cheese pizza filled the room.

All of a sudden she paused and was looking at something.

"Aves what is it?" I asked her curiously.

"Uh he gave you his number,I think"


"He wrote down his number in pen" she stated more clearly.

I looked to where she was pointing, there indeed was a number written on the inside of the box.

"Wow, he must've done that when I went to go get my wallet" I said.

"You should add it then text him" Avery said.

"What no! I'm not gonna do that what if he's a murderer or sum"

"Yea sure, Cora, a pizza delivery guy who is a murderer took his time to write down his number in the pizza box,yea ok." Avery chuckled.

She then  snatched my phone and unlocked it (we know each other's passwords.)

She went and added his number.

"Here, text him" she said while handing me my phone back.

Hey, found ur number in the pizza

A couple minutes later he responded

Pizza guy
Hey! Hopefully it didn't come off as weird or anything 😬

Read 10:46pm

"Oh, he left me on read." I told Avery.

"He's probably planning out his next move to kill you" Avery joked,

"Don't say that!" I playfully yelled at her.


We finished our pizza and cleaned up. Avery really wanted to watch Coraline right now for some reason so I put it on.

"I wished your name was short for Coraline,that would be sick." Aves randomly said halve way through the movie.

"Honestly,same." I said back.


After Coraline finished I decided to get ready for bed so I took a shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth,put my hair up in a poorly made bun and got into some sweats and a tang top.

I plopped onto my bed.

I was so tired from doing literally nothing today. Avery went into her room too. I was about to shut off my light when my phone buzzed with a text from the pizza guy..

Pizza guy


Pizza guy
So what's ur name

What's yours??

Pizza guy
Im tired

Then go to sleep?

I wish it was that easy

Why is it not?

My brother and his friends party almost every night till the sun rises

That must suck.

Come through ;)
(Insert random address)

Read 2:46am

Well guess me and Avery are partying till the sun comes up. And yes, I am bringing Avery because why would I go by myself.

I texted Avery

Living room in 5
Wear party attire plzzz
We partyingggg

And with that I changed into a dark red mini dress and some heals.

A little makeup too.

When I went into the living room Avery was already waiting for me. She looked up from her phone

"Got us an Uber. You look so hot!!"

"I do don't I" I smiled.

I looked hot and I knew it. We waited outside for our Uber and when it got here we got inside.

This was gonna be one long night. I could feel it.

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