2. Dorm-Mates.

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Trigger warning ⚠️ self harm and past abuse scars | starving...? Read with caution.

Draco's POV:

Pansy and I walked to the common room. I looked around. It's colour scheme was purple and silver, so it didn't look like it was representing a certain house. It was warm, way more cozy than the dungeons ever were. There was a fireplace that emitted a warm orange glow. Two loveseats sat facing the fireplace, an armchair on either side. Pansy walked over to the table that was next to a bookshelf and picked up a piece of parchment. She dragged her finger from the top to the middle of the page, where she paused and quickly slapped her hand across her mouth.

"Oh my god." She muttered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"What?" I asked, walking over to her and taking the parchment from her hand and reading to the right of her name. "You have to share a dorm with Granger?"

"I'm so dead." She whined. I couldn't help but laugh, I received a glare for this.

"I wonder who I'm with," I said, and looked for my name on the list. "NO. NO SWEET MOTHER OF MERLIN NO!."

"Who you with?" Pansy asked, and came and stood beside me. She looked at the list and when she saw who my dorm-mate was, it was her turn to laugh. I turned to look down at her, she was just an inch shorter than I was. She looked back up at me and fake pouted.

"Awww did I annoy you, Draco?" She teased, with a baby voice.

"Shut up." I whined, playfully hitting her on the arm and we both started laughing. We were shortly interrupted by the portrait swinging open and three students walking in. Potter, Granger, and Weasley. I strode over to where they were standing and practically shoved the dorm-mate list into The Chosen Ones hand. He groaned and passed the sheet to Granger, who also groaned and looked up at Pansy with a look of annoyance on her face. She passed the sheet to Ron who chuckled.

"I'm with Micheal Corner. He's not so bad, you guys are just unlucky." Weasley said. Potter and Granger rolled their eyes.

"I'm going to bed." Potter said, and nodded goodnight to his friends, before heading up to our room.

Harry's POV:

I slowly opened the door, revealing two beds on either side of the room, the bottom end of each facing eachother. There was a window with a windowsill big enough to sit on. Both beds had a bedside table next to it, with a lamp on top, and our trunks were at the end of our beds. It also had an en-suite. I sat on the edge of the bed, when I heard the door open.

I nodded to the blond boy. "Malfoy."

He did the same to me. "Potter." Before he sat on his bed and looking around, the same as I was.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get changed. I didn't feel comfortable getting changed in front of Malfoy, or in front of anyone for that matter. I didn't want them to see the scars from what happened at the Dursley's. I didn't want them to see the scars from what happened when my emotions took over.

When I walked out of the bathroom I noticed Malfoy had also changed into his pyjamas and was reading a book. I walked over to my bed and slipped under the duvet, and stared at the ceiling. I was tired, but I didn't want to sleep, knowing what I would see when I did. But I hadn't slept the night before, I was too excited to come to Hogwarts, so I was really tired and I couldn't stop myself from falling into the darkness of sleep, into the terrifying visions.

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