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I wake up to the sound of my phone's alarm. I groan as I get out of bed. While I walk out of my room still in my sleeping clothes I see Nath cooking.

"Thanks, Nath... Yawn*"--me

"No problem"--Nathaniel

I go to change my clothes so I can get to my classes.

....Fast forward to after school bc I'm lazy...

I get home to see that Nathaniel isn't there. "Doesn't he get done with classes before me?" I thought. I go to the Arc De Triomphe (I get all of the places from research so I will say "Arc" from now on)

As I make my way to the Arc I see multiple people running and screaming. Soon enough I see that Nathaniel has gotten Akumatized again into Evillustrator. He comes toward me.

"Hello Marc"-- Evillustrator

"Nath you don't have to do this. Sont give in to Hawkmoth"-- me

"Marc I only did this for us..... because I love you"-- Evillustrator

Ladybug and Chat Noir soon arrive to capture the Akuma. But Illustrator was stronger than he was before. I see Ladybug leave and I wonder where she is going.

As Chat Noir tries to keep his miraculous Ladybug soon comes back with a new hero, Viperian (well that's what he called himself). " he looks a lot like a snake" I thought. I soon decided to run like a normal person (unlike Nathaniel who would want to see the fight) so I didn't get to see the entire fight scene. But what I did see was that Nath was getting away from his akumitized self.

I run up to him as he falls.


"I don't know" -- Nathanial

"Did you mean what you said earlier when you were Akumatized?"-- me

" What did I say? I hope it wasn't anything rude."-- Nathaniel

"Uh, never mind. Let's go home"-- me

We get home and I decided to make dinner. I made some quick sandwiches because we still had classes that we needed to wake up early for in the morning.

We have small talk as we eat and it ended off with me heading toward my room and him going towards his.

I will post " Tuesday" sometime in the next few days I'm sorry it took so long to post this chapter ✌😗✌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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