midnight mishaps

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Alex's P.O.V
It was around 2 o'clock  when I woke up shaking , my body was drenched in sweat and my stomach wasn't having it. I ran towards the little bathroom in my room and let the small amount of food I had consumed today vacate my body. I heaved over the toilet bowl watching the now red liquid drip from my mouth. My lungs started to give out and my body was aching when it hit the floor. It didn't take long for the nurses to rush into my room . A nurse , Tino , picked me up and carried me to my white bed.
"Oh lex , midnight mishap again huh ?" Tino mumbled worriedly .
"Ya know it , dying doesn't take a day off ." I replied sourly . I know I was being unfair to him , it's not his fault that I'm dying . He grunted in response as he laid me on my white bed . My head was spinning and I couldn't stop mumbling incoherent phrases . Immediately another nurse named Jenna started up the IV monitor and began unpacking the devious little needle . She was checking my arm for a vain but had trouble finding it due to the fact that I was squirming at her touch .
" Listen mate , we've been through this before , you need to stop moving or else I can't help you ." Her thick Australian accent laced each word as the young blonde tried to focus at the task at hand . I stopped and she plunged the annoying little needle on my arm , she then connected the IV to a tube , and the tube to a mystery liquid bag . Immediately I started to feel drowsy and the pain subsided .
"Wow this stuffs good , what's the street name for it ?" I croaked as my vision started to blur . I heard the faint sounds of laughter then everything went black .
Jacks P.O.V
I couldn't sleep . My mind kept wandering up to Alex , to his smile , his charisma , his lips . His lips were what was driving me crazy . I have never in my life felt such a rush with
something so simple like a kiss . My intense feeling of leisure was cut short when I heard the rushed chatter of nurses in the hall . I stopped walking around my room and walked towards the door . I opened it and followed the nurses cautiously through the vast halls of the hospital .  It didn't take long for us to reach our destination and I watched how a nurse took out a skeleton key and opened the door . All of the nurses piled in the room and was set to work immediately , I crept up at the door and was confused when I saw that no one was on it . The confusion subsided when I turned my attention to a intimidating nurse carrying  whom I assume was the patient in this room . When he set the patient down I felt my stomach drop to the depths of hell . On the bed was the gorgeous brunette who not so long ago stole my first kiss. His skin was pale white and his bright eyes were sunken in . Those once pink and plump lips were chapped and dry and stained with a burgundy color. There was a deep burning sensation in my chest ,  I was fascinated at how much this manchild was affecting me .  I gave the young blonde nurse a terrified look and she smiled warmly at me and motioned me in . I warily walked in and stared at the nurse with fear . 
"He'll be alright mate , he's been fighting long enough . He knows what he's doing and more since a little sap caught his fancy ." She giggled and patted my back tenderly .
"You're welcome to stay with him tonight , just don't tell my boss kiddo , by the way I saw you lovebirds today outside in the garden ." She winked at me and I felt myself blush and I gave her a sheepish smile and wave . She walked away and closed the door slowly . I turned around and stared at Alex his chest slowly lifting and falling with every breath. He was so beautiful and I couldn't bring myself to leave his side. The blonde nurse came in and gave me a blanket and crept out of the room quickly. I thanked Alex mentally for having a recliner sofa and I brought it over next to his bed and made myself comfortable. I closed my eyes and immediately fell into a deep sleep.
"Jack, are you alive?" Asked Alex's hearse voice. I opened an eye and answered his question and he smiled showing his bunny teeth and his dimples.
"Jacky don't sleep!" Whined Alex
"You practically almost died yesterday why are you so energetic?" I asked grumpily.
"Jacky dearest I'm in love." Said Alex making my heart drop. Wow he's in love with someone and I kissed him, I'm such a whore sometimes oops.
"That's nice." I said mustering up my best fake smile I had.
"With you Jacky, even when I'm throwing up and dying you're the only thing in my head." Alex breathed out contently.
I felt my heart going really fast and I was completely at bliss. I knew that what I felt was love. Pure healthy (ironically) love.
"I think I'm in love with you too Alex ." I whispered in Alex's ear as I pecked his chapped lips. He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me down on his bed capturing his lips with mine, the kiss was slow and sweet , sending waves of nostalgia as I thought about my first kiss with him.
"I love you Jack."
"I love you too Alex"
"Aw and I love both of you ." A British accented voice said from the door. My face blushed crimson as two handsome guys bursted out
laughing . Alex started laughing and flipped them off.
"Hey Dan , Phil , what a surprise." Chuckled Alex sarcastically.
The slightly shorter one started talking once again , "Well we were expecting a visit from you and we called your mum to see if you were still coming and she bickered about nonsense and I just became utterly bored and just asked her where I can find you. She's a bloody witch , right Phil. Absolutely unbearable , I can't believe she was that sweet woman from next door when you lived in London. " Dan went on and Phil nodded only when necessary. Alex scowled a little at the mention of his mother , but quickly replaced the scowl with a warm smile.
"How's Oli and Hannah ?" Asked Alex slowly chewing at his lap.
"For Jesus Christ Phil we forgot about Hannah and Oli ! The lad is going to be a pain in the ass this week. The poor sap finally succumbed into Hannah's lady charm and he proposed a few weeks ago, the boy is more whipped than whipped cream." Exasperated Dan.
"What the fuck , Oliver Sykes the king of parties and got laid like everyday , being whipped by a girl with a cooter? I need to go back to London before I die, I need to see this ." Said Alex as he gaped at the two Brits in front of us. Whilst everyone was chatting a shrill ring of a phone exploded around the room.  Phil just looked at us becoming even more paler than before and shyly answering the phone.
"Hullo?" He asked quizzically at the device. Then the phone blared a string of curse words and Phil dropped his phone and ran to a corner.
"It's Oliver . " he said as he saw our confused faces.
Dan smirked and picked up the phone and brought it up and pressing the speaker button.
"Oliver indoor voices please , I'm working on a  piece." A soft females voice mused in the back ground.
"Anything for you love ." Responded a not so angry Oli and I kid you not but I could almost feel the love and adoration in olis voice.
"Oliver Sykes would you happen to know what the topping on a piece of pie is called?" Asked Alex cheesy grin on check.
"Um I dunno , uh whipped cream ? Wait is this Alex ? Man I miss you ." Said Oli the relaxation was present in this voice.
"Yes whipped cream . You are like that cream ,whipped. " said Alex smiling at me like a dork .
"Ah you dick , I hope you get erectile disfunction. " chuckled Oli from the other side. The group started in a cheerful chat and Oli decided to pursue his best friend and visit him tomorrow. I smiled as I saw Alex , Phil and Dan sitting cross legged on the floor with the phone in the middle , and huge smiles in their faces. After a few hours of constant jokes passed amongst our group the Brits decided to go back to their hotel in order to rest up for olis big arrival tomorrow . I slowly said good bye and made my way to my room feeling extremely tired. My legs dragged on the floor and I barely made it to my bed when I collapsed into a deep sleep.
The next day...
The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. My body felt entirely rested and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with me. I started stretching but stopped when I heard that taunting voice that haunted me as a child ,"Jacky dear , mommies here ."

Sickly in Love (Jalex)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن