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Brooklyn: How do we do this?

You: I don't know, attack him at the same time.

Herakles: Come on!

He charges you, not giving you time to strategize. Both of you dodge out of the way at the last second. He uses a tree to stop himself. His shoulder does enough damage to put a dent so significant, anything above that point can no longer stand and begins to collapse.

Herakles: Whoops.

The tree comes crashing down. You and Brooklyn have already backed far enough away that it misses.

Herakles: Where are you running off to? The game is not over yet.

He's behind you. When did he get there?

Brooklyn reacts first, hitting him across the face, sending him to the side a few steps. You get next to him, jump, and send a foot into his chest. He falls over, flips over his head, lands on his feet, and... That damn cackle.

Herakles: HAHA! You think you're going to win with that pitiful showing?!

The guy is built like a rhino, and yet he moves so fluidly.

There's a gunshot, and Herakles looks down at his chest. A hole has opened in his shirt.

Herakles: Your gun can't hurt me.

You run at him before he goes for Marina, who you assume shot. She hasn't listened to you.

Herakles: Yes, come at me.

He dodges you as you arrive and cackles. He proceeds to dodge every fist you throw at him, every kick you launch his way, every attempt to grab him, everything. And when Brooklyn arrives, a simple backhand and you fall to the ground. Your neck nearly broke from your head spinning around too far.

Herakles: You two always did suck.

You look up to see him punch a hole in Brooklyn's stomach. She bends over, puking blood and clutching her wound. It heals itself in an instant, but you still saw it. It's enough to enrage you.

You get up and throw yourself at him.

Herakles: HAHA! I see a fire in your eyes now! Did I hurt your little sweetheart?!

You finally land a solid hit across his face. He let you.

Herakles: That was weak.

He grabs your face and squeezes.

Herakles: I'll tell you a secret. Your president made me stronger than you. Much stronger. You have no hope of beating me.

He squeezes tighter until you hear something crack, and he drops you. You can practically hear Emma screaming at you about him killing you. Maybe you really can.

Brooklyn's on him now, doing her best. Hitting, dodging, blocking. A hole just opened in her stomach; how is she not still down? Even if it did heal, how could she recover from that so quickly?

Brooklyn: Y/N! Get up!

He hits her once and sends her flying back. She flips and rolls a few times before she stops.

Herakles: I am only playing with you now. Letting you hope you can win.

He runs off. You hurry over to Brooklyn and help her up. You don't have time to question what he's doing. You two need to recover and regroup.

You: Come on.

Brooklyn: God damn it, I never want to get hit in the stomach ever again.

You: Are you good?

Project V (Clementine X Male Reader Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now