Description /Author's Note

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Tony's POV

"What do you think?"

"First, we find that slippery Son of a bitch"

"And how do you intend on doing that? He's practically invincible as it is."

I struggled to hide this feeling of amusement in me as her name popped into my head. I think Agent Coal noticed this too.


"Oh hell no," he impeded in my thoughts. "You and I both know that this is not a one-man job."

"And who said she'll be doing this alone."

I noticed the confusion he felt as he looked at me.

"With all due respect, sir," he stood at attention before letting himself at ease, "ARE YOU CRAZY?! She never works in a team much less work with anyone."

"I know,"

"She might as well murder her teammates before the mission even begins,"


She is vicious. More vicious than a venomous snake.

She is fearless. A honey badger is nothing compared to her.

She is ruthless. As ruthless as there can be. . .if you fall on the wrong side of her savagery.

She is formidable. It would take more than a battalion to conquer her.

She is that monster that stays hidden under your bed by day and haunts you by night. Only, she haunts by day too.

She can be your trump card and can be your worst nightmare.

She is the definition of a double-edged sword.

She is. Agent Tequila.

I'm a first-time writer, and I'm nervous about this but I've got Tequila. So there's no need to worry. Haha.

As much as I would love to update this story every day, I might not be able to. The reason why is that I attend this establishment they call "a school." It's annoying, really, but hey, I don't think I have a choice.

I will do my best to update at least twice a week, so do not worry.

Please comment when you feel like it. It will be much appreciated. You might as well vote if you like the story.

I will be looking forward to reading your comments.

Thank you. Enjoy.

Copyright ©️ 2021
By MrKaracter

Agent TequilaWhere stories live. Discover now