Chapter 2:

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Phineas pov :
Only to reveal Isabella!
Phineas: I Isabella! Is it really you! You look great, WAIT YOUR ALIVE WE THOUGHT YOU DIED!"
"Ugh you, I did die multiple times actually.DONT play that act on me!" She responded. As she slapped me across his face.
"Oh please you were always a a baby!"
"Look I got kidnapped, I escaped made a team went on adventures and found the diamond of death and forged it into a sword. I've changed get over it! I mostly came to see ferb not you!" She said. Wow she's changed so much a lot also "why is your hair red I thought you liked pink?" I asked it all kinda blurted out "Look I needed to lay low so I changed and as I see your in danger so I can take you somewhere safe BUT ONLY IF YOU DONT TALK!" She shouted that last sentence at me.

We followed Isabella into an abandoned looking subway after walking for what seemed eternity she turned and looked at all of us then suddenly a sound came through all of us jumped but Izzy kept her head down suddenty she took her sword and chopped something right by me! I sat there waiting for impact but then-
Right as he said that the nothing Isabella chopped turned visible and was a robot. We all looked confused then Isabella spoke up saying *laughs * "oh my gosh you guys look ridicules I mean honestly *laughing*" she was laughed her head off the point of tears we all stood in shock me especially I mean my friend just almost killed me and starts laughing???
Isabella-"whoooo that was funny anyway a robot was following us simple as that" she turned to walk away but then I spoke up addressing all my anger "wait that's it? So your not gonna explain to us how you saw that or or WHERE WE ARE GOING???" At this point I was yelling and ranting even, but still when he looked at Isabella she looked at him bored saying " ok you done now?" As she looked at her watch. I was so infuriated that she could just stand there and I continued ranting until Isabella said " come on it's burning my ears listening to this" she walked away and the rest followed. I scowled at this and started walking with the others. Eventually we arrived at a simple yet deluxe home style. Suddenly a guy came over and tackled Isabella! My emotions quickly reflexed and I simply yelled " GET OFF HER!!" Only to be calmed by Isabella saying" relax dude this is my best friend Jackson!"
I thought to myself wait what best friend I thought that was my title?
Jackson -" so glad your back Iz you know it's scary seeing you go outside alone and fighting those things"
Was he flirting with her? I can't believe this first I find out my best friend is alive mad at me then she almost kills me and seems to have no time for me now she has a new "best friend" and he's flirting with her?? I don't know why it bugged me but it did.
After everyone's meet and greet they showed us to some bunkers and told us this is where everyone sleeps and directed us everywhere. I sat down at some random space and eyes Izzy off in the corner mumbling about something to herself I decide that this was the best time to talk to her. As I start to walk toward her her fiery red hair is floating in the breeze suddenly I'm memorized by her beautiful silhouette I dash back to reality what the heck why am I thinking this I'm her best friend. I start walking toward her then she tenses up like she could hear me but she couldn't could she? Then when I look up she's gone I look around and she's nowhere near I retreat to my bunker and soon fall asleep.

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