Jax's POV

Fuck man, I just know I failed that test

Walking out of the Literature building, I head to my dorm. At least I have a few hours until practice.

I pull out my earphones and put them in my ears. As I'm picking out a song I walk past Jade. She's with a friend. Saying nothing to her I keep walking. Turning my head a bit I noticed that she had stopped walking before looking around a bit.

She started to walk again

It's been about 6 days since the morning in my dorm. When the police arrived at my dorm, I told them everything that I knew as well as giving them the pictures of those guys that drugged Jade. I don't know much about what had happened from there but knowing the police it could take a while before they actually do something about the situation

As for Jade, well she recovered fine. I don't know what was used on her but it was strong. She came back to classes yesterday. Usually, she talks to me, not a lot but she still talks.

But she hasn't been doing that recently.

I don't want to sound like an asshole or anything but shouldn't she have thanked me? I mean doesn't she know I saved her?

Turning back around I noticed that she was hugging Josh with the biggest smile on her face.

Josh, he must not have told her yet.

Shaking my head I continue heading to my dorm.

Josh's POV

"Hey, baby" I grab Jade before hugging her tight to me. Leaning down I give her a quick kiss before pulling back."How's your day so far"

"Tiring. I want to lay down and sleep"Saying nothing else I take my girlfriend by her hand and lead her to my dorm building. Lately, she rarely wants to leave my side. I don't blame her. What happened to her at the party was fucked up.

When she woke up in the hospital, she had many questions. Lucky I was there to answer them. And no, I didn't tell her that that jerk was the one that took care of her

He has been going after my girlfriend for the longest time so I'm not going to be give him leg up to try and take her from me

The police had also come by and asked me a few questions after she woke up. I had told everything that happened from my point and then they tried to question Jade, but she was a crying mess and obviously didn't know anything. When they were leaving, I had pulled them aside and told them to question Jax a bit more. It doesn't sit right with me that I had left her for one minute and then she was drugged in his dorm room, with the cup that she drank out of.

Saved her my ass

Walking up to my dorm, I unlock it before letting Jade in first and stepping in behind her, As I close the door and take off my shoes I notice that Jade went to my bed and stuck her face in my pillow."What are you doing?"

She lifted her head to look at me "Just..smelling" I walk over to her as she starts to take off her shoes and relax on my bed. "Josh where did you go?" Climbing on the bed I place my hands on both sides of her hips on the bed and lean forward

"Go where?"

"at the party, Where did you go?"She won't stop asking me that stupid question.

"I told you. I went to the bathroom. And then when I came out I saw you were gone so I went looking for you and found you with those bastards that drugged you" I started to lean in closer to her

"And then you saved?"

"Exactly" Leaning in closer, I kissed her on her lips. She was hesitant at first but then she kissed me back. Shifting so that my body was more on the bed, I placed my hand on her hip. She slightly gasped at the feeling and stopped kissing me. I started to move down to her jaw as I pushed up on her shirt before moving my lips down more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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