I Don't Die

111 2 2

tw: excessive violence, (mild) gore, alcohol, underage drinking

"I'm gonna repair Sapnap's house," Tubbo said to no-one, really, other than the few bees that were sunbathing on his desk.

The atmosphere hadn't cooled after the actions of Ponk and Alyssa. The tension and heat was sticky and directionless rather than ablaze, since the current state of affairs had been left alone for quite a few hours now.

His watch buzzed and he checked the Discord.

Sapnap: The only way I don't destroy Alyssa's house is if Tubbo builds me a new one. I will compensate him with diamonds.

Tubbo: Yeah. Seems fair.

He packed up his tools and made for the L-shaped bungalow.


Tommy stood in the doorway to his slaten hole-in-the-wall abode, axe in hand and jaw dropped in horror as he looked into the trashed studio. His eyes darted around, looking for any evidence besides the thin piece of wood with the word 'noob' written on it in dirty chalk. He had just gotten back from felling trees and had thought something was wrong when he say the exterior décor made of logs was in a bit of a state.

He walked up to his cupboards and cabinets, placing his hand for a moment on the several deep scratches and a broken handle. It looked like some kind of animal had been in here but it was an obvious troll due to the insulting language on the wooden plank. Tommy's attitude changed drastically as he frantically rummaged around for the two vinyl discs, his godsends, anxiety initially creeping into him before threatening to take him over completely. By the time he'd found them, he was slightly trembling. 

"Okay," he said in relief, hand on his chest as he let out a few deep breaths. "They left the music discs, they left the music discs."

The discs, Cat and Mellohi, weren't just ordinary pieces of plastic. Not to Tommy at least. He'd obtained them by setting up a wannabe-eldritch creature called a creeper to be shot by a skeleton, which was just a zombie that had decomposed too much. No-one truly understood the science, or rather, magic, behind it, other than there are only 12 different songs available from creepers, but each one is imprinted with the DNA of that creeper, so they're all unique. His discs had the carefully scratched initials 'T.I.' on the coloured band around the holes of the discs, deciding the 'I' stood for 'Innit' rather than the name of the lab Tommy was born in. To him, the discs meant achievement, self-sustainment, and adulthood.

The joy of relief didn't last long, as he soon realized a lot of his netherite had been stolen and so had his iron. And a lot of other random things that he hadn't accounted for too carefully. He suddenly remembered that Punz was walking away from the estate when he's turned up, so Tommy began to suspect him. He opened his watch and started up Discord, barraging the holographic keyboard with irrepeatable vile accusations towards Punz in the DM's.

Punz: It wasn't me


Punz: It was being burned and I stopped it


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sapnap's status switch to 'online.'

"You son of a bitch," Tommy punched into the general chat, dragging him where everyone could see. He had the audacity to steal his netherite chestpiece and sword before; he should've suspected him for this from the beginning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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