the end / author's note

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terima kasih untuk perjalanan ini.
semoga kau temukan tenangmu.


*author's note*

hi, long time no see. how are u, really?
i hope you guys are doing good.

i would like to announce that this is the last chapter of this "book", mini book of " tumpah". thank you so much for your votes and love throughout this journey!

you don't have to worry, you can still read my writings, a lot of new ones, on my website which i just launched on april 17, 2021, right at 12 am. and it's in Indonesian language! i'm so sorry anyone from outside Indonesia should be using translation, but if you still don't get the meaning, or it sounds weird to you (the translation) you can always contact me, reach out to me, and i would love to explain them to you in English!

you can access my writing here:

that is my latest post! it is FREE and accessible world wide. i would appreciate it so much if you show some love there. feedbacks, comments, reposts, reblogs, anything!

thank you for this journey on wattpad. i am signing out. see you on my web page!

with love,
// avocadospls

tumpahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang