Chapter 8

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"She can't go, she's grounded," you roll your eyes as Tony lectures all of the Avengers in the conference room, "we can go, but she can't. Y/N stays here."

"Tony," Steve interjects, "that's not really fair. I mean look what happened last time we tried to keep her here. She was right, this is her mission."

"Oh so because she broke our rules she should get to do what she wants," Tony sighs and leans back in his seat before continuing, "it's too dangerous for her."

"You can't really think that," you turn to Bucky as he speaks up, "she's just as strong and probably more powerful than some of us in this room she can take care of herself. I agree with Steve she should come with us this time."

"Shocking," Tony rolls his eyes as he talks, "you agree with Steve."

They're been discussing right in front of you whether or not you could come ever since you got the news that they got Petrov's location and you've grown tired of it so you speak up, "hey. I am right here, quit acting like I'm not. I'm coming with you."

"You're grounded," Tony says while shooting you a very pointed glare.

"You don't have the authority to ground me," you say, "look, you can't stop me from going, either you take me with you or I'll just go after him myself ... again."

There's silence for a few seconds before Sam speaks up, "I think we should let her come, it's her choice, we can't decide what she can and can't handle. If she thinks she can do this we should trust her."

"Thank you Sam," you say to him before looking back towards Tony, "I think that's decided I'm going. It is a majority vote."

"Uh- no it's not," Tony's voice raises an octave or two as he stands up and looks around the room, "there's nine people here: you, me, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, and Wanda. And only four of those people have said that you should go. That's not the majority, and since when do we vote."

"Thanks for taking roll call," you say flatly, "but the people who are apparently unable to use their voices think I should be able to go." You look over at Natasha and Bruce.

"Well Y/N," Bruce starts as he looks sympathetically at you, "I don't think you should go. You should have the right to decide but you're injured and shouldn't risk further damage to some of your wounds."

"I agree," Natasha says firmly as she leans back in her chair.

"Oh and all your years of medical school have led you to that conclusion," you say as you glare at her.

She shrugs and rolls her eyes as Tony speaks up, "injured? Since when are you injured?"

"Since Miller and Petrov tortured me, I'm fine," you shrug off the worry in his voice and turn towards Rhodey, "so you're vote?"

"Uh-," Rhodey looks at Tony for a second before looking back at you and smiling softly, "I abstain."

"No," you lean forward and tilt your head at him, "that's not something you can do."

"Yes it is, you can't make me choose, besides you already have a majority so why does my vote matter."

"Um," Tony interrupts your conversation as he sits back down at the table, "you don't have a majority. It's three to four of nine voters, that math doesn't make a majority."

"Yeah," you smirk at him as you roll your shoulders, "but I have five to three majority not four."

"No you do not, only four people have pledged their allegiance to you," he clasps his hand together like the discussion is over and moves to stand up.

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