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I was walking down the hall when a girl gripped my shoulder, she flashed her bright teeth at me as her eyes shined
"Hi" I smiled
"Hi! I'm Sadie Harris" she said
"I'm Buffy" I nodded as I looked down at her school shirt and shorts "cheer?" I asked as I noticed the spandex black shorts on her
"Yeah actually, you wanna join?"
"Maybe" I said as I noticed a blue haired boy watching us, his pale skin and black clothes totally pulled the vampire scene, he lit a cigarette as he watched us, I returned my attention to the blonde as she continued to smile
"Hey do you know that guy?"
"Who?" She asked as she followed my gaze, she instantly blushed and spun on her heel "oh my God!"
"He's so cute!"
"Sure...but hey you're cute, why don't you go talk to him?"
"No way! He's totally unapproachable"
"So are you"
"Yeah! I mean look at your hair, totally not a bottle blond, and your tan is incredible! You could totally have him"
"Hey! We gotta go!" A girl said as she walked up to us
"Yeah, bye Buffy. Thanks!"
"No problem" I smiled as I met up with Willow
"Hey" Willow smiled as Xander walked up to us
"What are you girls doing?"
"Just hanging out-"
"Were you talking to my sister?"
"Your sister?" I asked
"Oh! I didn't realize-"
"Yeah she has like a different mom, but Dad kept her and mom and dad raised her like their own, we don't really know her mom but she obviously has her looks"
"Yeah aside from Cordelia she's like the prettiest girl in school-well besides you" Willow smiled
"She is very pretty, she didn't even look like she was wearing makeup" I added
"She doesn't, she's all natural"
Willow sighed in worry as she saw the punkish boy making his way through the halls, she made her way behind me as he came walking towards us, I frowned at him as I looked back at her
"Do you know him?" I asked
"Unfortunately" she sighed as he walked to us, stopping in front of us, his blue hair spiked up and his dark eyes glaring at us, his eyes met Xander as he scoffed, I remembered how remarkable Sadie thought the boy was.
"Willow, Whatre you doing with this loser?" He asked as he pointed to Xander
"Hey who do you think you are?" Xander scoffed at him "Willow and I have been friends for-" he tried to continue
"Willow you need to be careful, watch who you let yourself call a friend, if you think this guys your friend than you really need to re-evaluate. Who's your cute friend?"
"Not interested" Xander spat
he stared at Xander for a moment before walking away, willow frowned at us
"I'm so sorry Xander" she whined
"Who was that guy?" I frowned
"My brother, Felix, he was really cool like a year ago but now he's just awful"
"Felix?" I said as I watched the boy walk down the hall, the boy just looked like trouble, all black clothes, pale skin, horrible attitude
"Yeah he has some weird new friend he's always out with, the guys a really bad influence on him, he's been so different since he met him"
"Who is it?" Xander asked
"Oh I don't know, he doesn't go to school with us, he's always with him though, never at home, always drunk, you know the typical deal"
The next couple of days I kept my eye on the kid, watching everything he did as carefully as I could, he was always sulking and moody, he never spoke much to willow, practically always ignoring her unless he was insulting us. We didn't see much of him until Willow and I were on our way to lunch one day , I saw him talking to someone hidden in the shadows, he was so distant and off, I tried to make out his conversation but I couldn't
"Don't worry about it" willow said
"What if he's in trouble or something?"
"That's his problem"
I sighed as I walked to him, he frowned as he looked at me, something in the dark scurrying off
"What?" He spat
"You okay?"
"I was, what do you want?"
"I was concerned about you-"
"Don't be"
"Well Willow said-"
"Do I look like I care? Don't worry about what I do, okay?"
"I'm sorry I-"
"Look Buffy you're cute, but unless you're trying to jump in the back of my car, don't worry about what I'm doing with my free time"
"You know you don't have to be a jerk, your sister worries too and-"
"Thanks, but really I don't care"
He sighed as he walked off, I frowned, I wanted to follow him but I knew I shouldn't

 We didn't see much of him until Willow and I were on our way to lunch one day , I saw him talking to someone hidden in the shadows, he was so distant and off, I tried to make out his conversation but I couldn't"Don't worry about it" willow said"W...

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I walked back to Willow as I frowned at her
"Anything?" She asked
"No, but he's definitely talking to someone who has to stay in the dark" I said "I think I should follow him"
"I don't think you should-"
"So listen, I know a girl that's totally into your brother, but he looks a little vampy to me"
"So what if he does date this girl and then she dies. See? We have to find out what he's doing"


I sat in Willows living room as we ate popcorn and watched tv, it was nice to be normal for once, Felix came rushing down the steps looking like some vampire
"Felix, where are you going?" Willow smiled
"I have a date"
"Oh not the mystery girl again-"
"Mystery girl?" I frowned
"Yeah I'm not allowed to meet her"
"Let me live my own damn life" he spat "and don't worry Buffy, you just call me and I'll make time for you" he smiled as he opened the door, my worst suspicion came true as Darla walked in, she snaked her arms around him as they walked out
"Will, we have to get Felix away from her"
"I know she sucks-"
"No, Willow listen to me, you didn't see her it's not safe for him to be with her"
"Wait, what?"
"It's dangerous! She's a vampire"
"Wait...we have to stop him!"

I was walking out the door when Willow stepped in the way. Darla and I were about to leave when Willow grabbed my arm
"Felix, wait"
"You can't go with her!"
"No! You can't, I'm sorry but you can't! Please stay!"
"Willow, go hang out with Buffy or something, I'm going out"


I ran to Buffy as fast as I could, not knowing where else to turn, I panicked as I collided with her
"Willow what's wrong?!"
"Buffy! Felix is dating a vampire! I need your help! She's gonna kill him!"
"Where is he?!"
"I don't know! They ran off after I begged him to stay"
"Well maybe it's for the best" Xander said, before quickly backtracking and apologize
"Maybe they're at the Bronze?" I suggested
"Let's go"


"Look, I'm just telling you it's a bad idea" Angel frowned at me
"Man, let me do my thing okay?"
"Darla is trouble-"
"She's cute. I'm not worried, she's harmless"
"Bye!" I sighed as I left. I met up with Darla quickly as we headed to the Bronze. We'd seen each other a couple of times and she'd already taught me so much
"See Felix, you have that dominant thing about you, you just have to learn to use it" she smiled
"Yeah! Girls don't like soft and sweet boys, they want a man that puts them in their place" she smiled as she placed my hand on her throat "you don't hold a girls hand, you hold her here, look in her eyes and kiss her with everything you have. That's how you get the girls. You have to be in control, be demanding and stern"
"But that's not-"
"Trust me" she smiled, I smirked as I kissed her, suddenly I felt someone grip my shoulder and pull me back, I spun to see a mangled face, I started to panic when I turned back, hers was the same
"Oh God, willows vampire theory is true" I groaned before taking off.

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