part 1

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welp, here I am the DEVILS casino. it's not like I hate the place But it's not good history for someone like me to work I mean it's not like I'll get beaten up and bruised cuz I'm very sensitive but the thing is that I got my abilities from another demon named Lilith yeah Lilith. I'm working in another demon's workplace seems odd. welp, I'll die trying to get money.

Well shit The manager AND the boss here This is a bad day to start with

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Well shit The manager AND the boss here This is a bad day to start with

you: Excuse me um Mr. devil sir I'm y/n and I'm here for the help wanted sign I saw outside and I thought I could help as a waiter/waitress. 

devil: ah! Glad to get a face to the name my office is this way and since you didn't come for any important business or to make a deal with me You won't Be needing to signing a contract With me

your POV: Thank God I thought I was gonna die


cup: hey king Diec who was that person

K.D: The new worker. they would either become a performer/Entertainer or a waiter/waitress

mug: Wow they seem so nice why would they want to come here and stay it's dangerous for people like them

cup: Probably the same reason as us. They probably just needed a job

K.D: I don't know something about her gives me a bad vibe

mug: Come on they look nice

cup: Well I'm going to stay away from them for a little while

cups POV: I also don't trust them


You and cuphead avoid each other for the entirety of the day but you got to know his brother and the manager and the rest of the staff and kind of talk to the boss a little bit But you don't talk to cuphead because you don't think he likes you

cup: um Excuse me

you: Oh hello

cup: Look I felt like a jerk since I haven't talked to you the entire day so I wanted to apologize. so I'm sorry for the way I treated you today

you: I also need to apologize I haven't been trying to connect with you and I have been avoiding you the entire day since I thought you had a grudge against me but I understand having trust issues. I had it all the time

cup: Well I'm glad you understand. I'm cup head, by the way, I don't think you got my name

you: Well I'm y/n but I'm guessing you've already heard my name

cup: Yeah anyways since our day shift is over You want to hang out a little while

you: Of course, I'd love to

You and cuphead go to a cafe he gets a black coffee where you get (favorite caffeine drink) And talk until it's time for your night shift

you: Thanks for Inviting me here I love this Cafe

cup: No problem I come here sometimes you get tea

You go back to work and start your night shift and you talk with cuphead the whole night except you when you're delivering food and at the end of the shift cuphead is working overtime

you: Hey shouldn't you be going home it's past your shift

cup: Yeah I thought I couldn't earn a little extra by working overtime 

you: Well do you mind any help

cup: If you promise not to take my pay

you: *Chuckle * Of course, not I would never take your pay. All you got to do is split it 50-50 then we're even

cup:  done deal


Hi, everyone, it's the Arthur and I just wanted to tell you that you and your brother have the same haircut and your mother is in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning I will be including Shavs Media Productions casino cups and Melanie Martinez Alter ego cry baby But you aren't that much of a crybaby also I decided for your last name to be Mandarin like the orange since Melanie Martinez made a music video called OJ and your brother's name is Cameron but you like to call him cam You can change the name if you want but I like Cameron

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