Chapter 1: The Incident

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Mikasa didn't want to go to the O'Charley's.

She had never liked anything about the mid-range priced sit-down restaurant. She didn't like the chicken strip, she didn't like the fettuccine alfredo, she didn't even like the O. It brought back painful memories. As a child her parents were murdered— no relation to the restaurant but it still sucked.

Nevertheless, she stood at the doorway of the critically acclaimed (she guessed that C- by the kitchen had to be a good sign, right?) eatery grasping for the motivation to step in.

She pushed open the door to find the bane of her existence taunting her: The O'Charley's interior.

Screaming children. Sportsball on the televisions that haven't been invented yet. A third thing. All the more to hate about her own personal hell.

Still— why was she here?

Something drew her past the foyer, past the patrons, past the kitchen. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. She didn't understand why no one else had huge swords attached to their hips and why they thought it was intimidating. Still, her pace quickened with every step.

She shoved past the main chef to reach her unknown target.

"Hey! Watch it," he said.

That voice, Mikasa thought. She stopped dead in her tracks.

"E-E-Eren?" she quivered out. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

"Mikasa! I, uh, I..." He was noticeably looking around the kitchen to muster up an idea for an excuse. "The, uh, the Scouts wasn't paying enough so I picked up a shift here. You know how good I am at slicing up titans." He chuckled at his own remark.

"Eren, you only have one ODM kill. You've eaten more titans than you've sliced up," she said, voice trembling with eyes full of tears. "And besides, you know how I feel about O'Charley's."

"Well, Mikasa, maybe I don't need your opinions influencing me all the time. I can be my own person without you and your crusty scarf."

She couldn't believe what he had said. I mean, it was his fault for giving her that scarf in the first place. And the gall to call it crusty? Not cool man.

She took a step back. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She did not feel Ymir in this Chili's— she meant O'Charley's— tonight. Everything she had ever known was crumbling right before her.

She took one last look at Eren, threw her scarf down at his feet, and stormed out of the establishment.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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