The Dark Dream Begins

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(I leave this for a few hours and I get like 30 notifications?)

Gil: Ow, my head too much booze I think I'm gonna die 

Diane: I don't feel so good 

Howzer: What no way I can at least knock back 10 more 

Hawk: Can't you ever just show up like a normal person 

Meli: For me this is normal 

Hawk: You are crazy 

Eli: So, you were fast asleep in here with the others Meliodas

Meli: No, no not at all I was busy making a whole food item 


Meliodas: Still not back, he really did get out of doge didn't he 

Y/n: Remind me that I should never drink anything that anyone gives me 

Eli: Why?

Y/n: They added alcohol to it 

Eli: Okay 

Y/n: Hawks still not back 

Eli: Oh, no what if something awful happened to him at that tiny size 

Meli: All, right 

King: Wait what did you say 

Diane: So hawks missing 

Meli: Starting now were going to go searching for Hawk together as your Captain that's an order, How about this whoever captures Hawk first can ask me whatever they want for a whole day 

Diane: Not interesting

King: I agree

Y/n: How about whoever finds him first will make Meli and I do anything for a day 

Everyone: Count me in

Y/n: I regret what I said

Meli: Too, late 

(After a long day of barely missing pork)

Meli: Why don't we go head back

Y/n: Let's head back 

Ban: Well hello Captain and Y/n~, late getting home, huh 

Eli: You came back huh?

Hawk: Nothing beats the scaps Ban makes 


Meli: So after all that running around, you came back here on your own 

Hawk: Do you think my nose would miss out on this aroma?

You start stealthily approach Hawk 

Y/n: Get here 

You dive but Ban quickly snatches Hawk up

Ban: I win the contest 

Y/n: Mercy, Please don't...

Ban: Cooking Contest 

Y/n: Anything but...Wait, what?

Ban: Cooking contest now 

Y/n: Your ready to begin


Ban: You ready?

Y/n: Switch food 

Ban: What are you planning?

Y/n: Trust me 

Ban: Okay

Y/n: Can I have everyone's attention on this table is my food on the other side's is Bans let the better chef win 

Everyone quickly goes to your food and it gets vaporised (not literally) and then they go over to bans table of food and nearly eat any.

Y/n: Raise your hand if you think Ban was the better chef

Gil and Howzer raise their hand 

Y/n: And mine?

Everyone else raises their hand

Y/n: And the winner is...

Ban: Me!

Meli: What!?

Y/n: We switched food 

Ban: Cmon Y/n were going to bed 

Y/n: Fine 

Ban grabs your waist and jumps on the bed and snuggles up to your chest

Ban: Comfortable?

You adjust yourself slightly 

Y/n: Yep

Ban: Now let's go to sleep 

Yandere SDS X Male Demon Reader X The Ten CommandmentsWhere stories live. Discover now