The Meeting

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*Jordan's POV*

"Sparklez? Can you meet me at the house near the lighthouse?" Prince Andor asked.

"Sure, I'll just finish up over here and then I'll be right over." I responded.

I wondered what Andor wanted to talk about. It had to be something important. Surely I wasn't good enough for him to be calling for me just for a little chat? I had just come back from mining so I dropped some ores into my smeltery and headed off to go see Andor.

I couldn't believe I'd been in this town so long and I still didn't know where the lighthouse was. I ran around the edges of the town because there weren't going to be any lighthouses in the middle of a city, was there? I couldn't stop thinking about why Andor wanted to talk to me. What reason could he possibly have? I was scared that he would have bad news for me. I didn't see anything else we had to talk about. I mean he wasn't an Ianitee was he?

I finally found the house he was talking about and I went inside. He was sat on a chair on the second floor of the house looking out of a window facing away from me. After a while of me standing there looking at him, he turned around

"Well met, Sparklez" Andor said. I jumped, I didn't expect him to notice me. I don't know why I didn't make him aware I was there sooner. I just stood there looking at him, admiring him. 

"How did you know I was here?" I inquired.

"I... uh... didn't. I was...uh...practicing how to greet you when you arrived." Andor admitted, his cheeks rapidly reddening.

"Oh. Um... Ah! What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, trying to get away from the awkward topic.

"Ah, yes. I wanted to discuss the situation in the kingdom. As it stands, my father has effectively outlawed belief in any gods other than the one he believes is the true god, Mianite. As an Ianitee, I feel oppresed by this unspoken law that my father has put in place." Andor explained

"Wait, what? What did you just say?!" I questioned, astounded.

"My father believes only Mianite is the true god?" Andor suggested.

"No, no. After that." I pleaded.

"As an Ianitee, I fe-" I cut off Andor's next suggestion.

"That! You said you were an Ianitee!" I exclaimed.

"Of course, why do you think my wings are purple?" Andor said, matter-of-factly.

At that exact moment I felt an overwhelming wave of infatuation towards Andor. I had always known I had some kind of feeling for Andor but until now it just seemed like a strange mixture of happiness, excitement, wonder and lust. He looked so cute in his little wooden hat, with his cute little face and his cute little body. I wanted him more than I've ever wanted something before. I wanted him more than I've ever wanted to have an ME system. That may not seem very romantic but do you KNOW how hard it is to make one of those. It's hard. No matter how much I wanted him, I couldn't just ask him, what if he said no? What if he told everyone that I liked him? My life would be over, I don't know what I would do.

"Sparklez?" Andor asked, confused. I must have been daydreaming for a while...

"Sorry, I was...uh... thinking." I said, purposely being as vague as possible. Andor looked at me quizzically for a moment and then carried on.

~ 10 minutes later ~

"I think that will conclude our discussion." Andor said, quite firmly, but not aggressively. It made him somewhat more attractive.

"Indeed, I shall be on my way. Before we raise suspicions." I replied absentmindedly trying to sound sexy. 

I was on my way back to my house and I was happier than I'd ever been before. I swore to myself that some day I would have him. I would have my prince.

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