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I had to think of a way to save Andor without anyone else's help. I couldn't alert anyone to my rescue attempt. I needed to be sneaky... There had to be something that would give me access to the prison without making a lot of noise.

I would have to check the thaumanomanomanoma.

*Andor's POV*

I was still trying to figure out who had sent the message, but I guess I would find out soon enough. I put that thought aside and pictured myself back with Jordan. These past few days must have been torture on him. I know it sure was for me. I missed him so much.

I heard footsteps. I got up as quickly as I could after three days with no food or water. Stumbling, I made my way to the cold iron doors that were my only opening to the outer world and my only - time-dependent - source of light. My hopes were brutally smashed as I saw my father, Helgrind, standing outside peering back at me. I had hoped it would be anyone else, someone to save me or even someone to relieve me of seeing my father's condescending, patronizing, accusing face. Even Mianite himself - how I despised him - fufilled my previous condition.

I had lost all sense of caring or compassion for my father, I had hoped he was acting out of ignorance, acquiescence or even in fear of something worse happening to him or someone else. But now I realise, none of these things apply, he is doing this out of his own will, his own free will. Not Mianite's, and I was disgusted by it. How someone could treat someone so badly, there was no doubt that this was a blatant and extreme violation of mine or anyone else's human rights - not that my father would care about that...

I spat at his face, or at least I tried, but being deprived of water makes it almost impossible.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" Helgrind asked.

I started to speak but it came out raspy and cracked.

"What lesson? I've done nothing wrong!" I replied, trying to fight the burning sensation in my throat.

"You know exactly what you've done!" He exclaimed.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a cup of water. He placed it on the serving hatch thingy of the door and left.

I wanted to drink it so bad but I couldn't let him think he'd won. I had an idea. There was a leak in the roof of the prison that occasionally dripped water. I never dated to drink that water as it would have travelled through the salty deposits above the prison. But I could drink from the cup and then fill it back up with the water from the leak to give the appearance that I hadn't drunk it.

I drank conservatively, not letting one drop of water escape. Then I was about to start the painstaking process of filling the cup again when I heard a curious noise. It sounded like an enderman teleporting.

I looked towards the source of the sound. The door... was gone. In its place, a fox? No, the foxx.

*Sonja's POV*

"I said I'd come touch your butt." I said

Andor sat there in amazement.

"Move it, lover boy!" I commanded.

He snapped out of his trance and ran towards me. We ran as the alarm sounded. A line of guards blocked our path. We had to turn around. Guards fell into position behind us as well. We were screwed!

"You always were the bossy one, Helgrind." came a voice from above.

Streaks of lightning came down around us. They fell increasingly closer to the guards with each hit. Never actually hitting. They stopped for a moment, but not for long. A gust of wind rushed from above, headed straight for us. At the last moment the wind moved around us and knocked the guards backwards. A path opened!

"Run. Now!" The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere and yet nowhere.

As I ran I looked for the source of the voice, but all I saw was a streak of purple.

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