Chapter 1

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It was late at night. Harry and Louis were cuddled on their bed, at their house, thinking about the same thing: hiatus.

Today was their last performance as the famous boyband One Direction. Now they were on a break and will go their own directions.

The boys were sad, but also excited for the future. It's hard to believe that now they will have their own albums and they will perform them alone. Without the boys.

They all enjoyed being in the band, but they all wanted to start making different kinds of music and when Zayn left the band, it wasn't the same anymore.



"What is going to happen now?"

Louis sighed and looked at Harry straight in the eye. "I don't know, Hazza, but we will figure it out, we'll get through it, together."

"Together?" Harry asked cutely. But he wasn't so sure of that himself. After all that hiding he was scared that him and Louis would break up.




It was morning and Harry woke up first. Louis was still sleeping, cuddled up to him. He admired his perfect, little pocket sized boyfriend, how he looked so peaceful while sleeping: how his thin red lips looked so kissable, how his long eyelashes rested on his perfectly pink cheeks. Harry lovingly caressed his cheeks, cheekbones, lips and nose.

Louis opened his eyes slowly to see two green eyes looking at him and smiled.

"Good morning, Boobear!" Harry said happily to him in his hot morning voice.

"Good morning, Hazza." It was admirable how enthusiastic Harry can be in the mornings.

"It's 10 o'clock in the morning, why are you so happy?" Louis asked.

"I'm happy, because I'm with you." Harry answered simply.

"You are happy because you are with me, huh?" Louis asked teasingly.

"Louu, I am trying to be romantic here!"said Harry feeling embarrassed. "I'm going to make breakfast now, but only for me, because you were mean to me."

"C'mon baby. I was only teasing you. You know that I love to tease you." Louis said.

But Harry didn't listen to him and walked away, downstairs to the kitchen. Louis sighed and got up, he went downstairs to the kitchen, to find Harry. Harry's back was turned to him. He slowly wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and nuzzled his face to his neck.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to be rude." Louis said silently and Harry turned around. Harry didn't get to reply, because his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Niall.

"Hey Niall!"

"Hey mate. You want to meet up today? The boys and I want to come over."

"Sure, but why?"

"Haven't seen you and Lou in long and I'm bringing somebody too!"

"Ohh interesting Niall, who is that?" Harry asked teasingly.

"That's a surprise!"

"Well okay then. When are you guys coming?"

"Around 5pm, if it's okay with you"

"Sure, let me ask Lou" Harry said, turned to Louis, who was nodding.

"We'll be waiting, bye!" Harry said to Niall.

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