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"Lex!" Juline called up the stairs. "You're going to need a suit for the party at Everglen!"

Lex grumbled. "Why do we even need to go to that stupid party?" he asked.

"What?" Juline asked. "I can't hear you."

Lex rolled his eyes, and popped his head over the banister, making it easier to hear him. "I said, 'Why do we need to go to that party'?" he shouted.

"Because," she said, in a tone that only moms had. "Now, do you have a suit, or not?"

"I don't know," Lex exclaimed. "It's not like there've been occasions where I needed one."

"So that's a no?" Juline guessed.

Lex shrugged. "Sure."

He was already feeling irritable that day; the kids at Foxfire had been making jabs at him all week, and he was in no mood to deal with mean people.

It was bad enough that Rex had told him and Bex almost a full week ago that he thought he was Talentless, and now people were making fun of Lex for things like that.

He shook his head. Kids were awful sometimes, and he couldn't help but get tired just thinking about the people like that.

"Lex? Is everything okay?"

Lex's eyes widened - his mom knew something was up, having caught him in a rather unusual train of thoughts.

He forced a smile, not feeling it at all. He knew it didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine, Mom. Thanks."

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to dash up the stairs. "Lex! We need to get you a suit."

He groaned. "Fine. Just . . . order something for me. Or . . . something. As long as it means I don't have to try it on."

Juline smiled, and went back to whatever she was doing before Lex had come downstairs. 

One for All and All for One: A Triplets FanficWhere stories live. Discover now