The Underdog (The Marauders)

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"I told you that we're done for the night."


"Jamesie." You lulled out, reaching for the brunette looking down at you from where he was standing at the side of the bed.

He could see the bleary haze over your eyes and the blubbering giggles were an indication that you were deep in a subspace. You were stretched out on your back, sunken into the mattress. Based on your current disheveled state, someone had rocked you senseless. You were much further gone than usual, the incoherent babbles flowing from your mouth made that very, very clear.

"What the hell, Pads?" James said to Sirius, who was standing on the other side of the bed; "What'd you do to her, mate?"

Sirius' eyes went wide, and he threw his hands up in defense.

"It wasn't me! It was-"

"Remy!" You shrilled when the third marauder entered the dorm from the washroom.

His shirt was missing, and the only "clothing" he was wearing was a towel wrapped around his waist. A river of steam and heat escaped the connected bathroom when he opened the door, his bright smile appearing on his fresh face.

"Hi, baby girl," He greeted, padding over next to Sirius to pick out some clean clothes; "Did you tell the other boys how good you were for me?"

James' head snapped in Remus' direction, his jaw falling slightly ajar. James and Sirius had always considered Remus the less skilled and experienced one in this relationship. Not that he wasn't any good; quite the opposite, actually. It was just that Remus was always a bit softer and gentler, and usually took the longest to make you cum.

He was kind of like the underdog.

He was a different kind of lover in comparison to James and Sirius. Sirius couldn't take his eyes off of you, shocked that Remus had single-handedly worked you into a subspace further than any of them had combined.

You ignored Remus' question, sitting up abruptly and rising to your wobbly knees.

"Daddy, please one more?" You begged Remus, who had slipped on a shirt and sweats.

"No, not Daddy. It's Remus now, princess," He mewled, running the pad of his thumb along your cheekbone; "I told you that we're done for the night."

You stuck out your bottom lip in protest, suddenly turning and flinging yourself at Sirius, who caught your leap and held you close.

"Siri, Daddy won't let me cum again." You whined, hoping to get Sirius to convince him or do it himself.

Sirius was starstruck, taken aback by this entire situation. Remus has asked Sirius and James earlier that morning if he could have you to himself for a few hours. It wasn't exactly ideal, but every once in a while they boys would agree to let one of them have you to himself for a little bit. James and Sirius surely didn't expect this.

"Well, how many times did you cum?" Sirius asked the question that he knew James had been thinking as well.

Remus was facing the wall as he dug around in his trunk for something, shielding his prideful smirk. He had never been one to brag.

"Uh...six." You murmured.

Sirius and James both went rigid.

"Six?!" They echoed one another.

It seemed like an ungodly number, considering that James' personal record was four and Sirius' was five. This was one of the reasons that the boys kept the whole "having you to one man for himself" thing rare. It stirred up jealousy from time to time and caused heated competition. The three of them hated that because then you felt like you were just being used for points, which was NOT the case.

"Mmhm. I want it to be seven, but Daddy's being mean." You huffed, slouching away from Sirius when you realized that no one was going to satisfy you again.

"It's Remus, [Y/N]. Not Daddy," He reminded you, joining you and James on the bed; "I'm not being mean. You're just already too far gone. You gotta come back for me, lovebug."

You crawled into Remus' lap, snuggling him and sighing when he peppered kisses over you.

"What did you do?" James asked his previous question again, but to Remus this time.

"I fucked her." Remus replied, looking down at the girl curled up to him and stroking your hair.

"Well, obviously, but Prongs means how did you-" Sirius went to ask, but was cut off by Remus.

"I can't give away all my secrets. I'm allowed to have my own way of making her feel good, can't I?" Remus asked in a general sense, but really was addressing you.

You nodded with a sleepy grin, and life was beginning to return to your eyes. The four of you sat in silence, half of it from shock and half from contentment. Sirius and James were knocked silent, totally unsure of what to even say or ask. Eventually, you were the one to speak up.

"Remus?" You called out.

He smiled at you.

"Atta girl," He praised; "What is it, angel?"

"I want to go to bed." You told him, hoping the other boys were ready to shut down for the night.

Remus nodded, allowing you to sit up from his chest.

"Do you want to get in bed with Pads or Prongs?" He asked, thinking you'd want one of them since you had been with him alone all afternoon and evening.

The other two perked up, hoping that you'd pick them. But they were both disappointed when you denied either.

"I wanna sleep with you." You alerted Remus.

"Not tonight. You need to let the other boys spend time with you," He pointed out; "It wouldn't be very fair if I had you all the time, right?"

You mumbled in disapproval, looking to Sirius.

"Can I sleep with you?" You questioned.

He grinned proudly, throwing a boastful look at James who was feeling very left out. Oh, well. He'd have his moment tomorrow.

"Sure. You don't have to ask." He said, guiding you up from Remus' bed.

You gave Remus a swift kiss in one last attempt to get him to change his mind.

"Goodnight, Rem." You batted your lashes.

He only returned you with another kiss, waving you off to go to Sirius' bed across the room. You got under the sheets with Sirius, leaving a few chaste kisses along his jawline while you got settled. His voice was low and rumbling in your ear, saying one final thing before you went to sleep.

"Next time, I'll make you cum seven times."

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