Not Doomed Yet.. || Tanya

953 34 10

We all felt terrible and worthless last night, so as soon as they left, we all went to bed. There was a lot of crying (I cried) and people saying 'sorry' or 'this is over, isn't it?'. It was emotional but as I wake up this morning, I feel better. Also, I feel like we can do this, if we all put 100% into it, we could save our reputation from our viewers.

Jim wants to stay in bed and feel sorry for himself, but I drag him out myself. I am so desperate to get Zoe and tell her what I have in mind. She's the only one who will understand and the only person I want to come with me.

"Tan, I'm sorry, I'm not getting up!" He moans, falling back on the bed, after I'd dragged him out.

"Jimmmmmmm, pleaseeeee" I beg, kneeling down besides him and putting my puppy face. No one falls for it, but Jim does. To be honest, I don't even think I look cute and adorable when I do that, but Jim falls for it all the time and does anything to not get that face.

"Fine" he sighs. I jump on him, kiss him and then pull him out of bed and shove him into the bathroom, ordering him to have a shower. While he does, I get my phone and text Zoe:

'Meet me at 10 in the dining room. I know no one believes that us youtubers can do something, but I know you and me can. We have to find Dom, once we do, he can get police and stuff over here. Reply soon, please help me. Your the only person who might help me. Thankyou, Tan x'

As soon as I press send, Jim opens the door. His hair is slightly wet and he looks very red but he also looks ready.

"Tell me our plan" he says, as we both put our shoes and coats on.

I look at him shyly and say, "me and Zoe are going to find Dom, see what he can do."

Jim looks directly at me and sighs. "You didn't hear? We aren't allowed out. We aren't trusted, doors are locked."

I smirk. "That's where you come in."

Jim's face turns confused. "Me? What am I doing?"

I stroke his shoulder softly. "You. You, are going to call them from the top floor and say (in a weird voice so they don't recognise you) that your the boss. You want to open the doors to check them."

"Okay.. But won't the boss be there?"

I shake my head. "No, the boss is back in London, he is called Mr Bolder. He can access the cameras and see what's happening. But he wouldn't ask at this time, so if they ask, say you wanted to check and had some business to attend to." I pause. "Also, say that they are doing a good job, that will trick them." I grin.

Jim laughs. "Alright."

I open the door and hear him mutter, "better work."


By the time we get to the dining room, Zoe and Alfie are sitting there, with Nala in Zoe's hands. Zoe looks excited and Alfie looks concerned. When they see us, Nala jumps up and barks softly. Zoe laughs, tickling Nala on the chin. Alfie gets up and smiles at us.

"What's Jim doing? What am I doing??" He asks.

"Jim can explain." I turn to Jim. "He can pretend to be a man saying 'lets go' or something."

"Perfect!" Zoe says, getting up and handing Nala back to Alfie. "Both of you text us to say if the doors are open. We will be at the exit, ready to run when they open. Okay?"

"Yep" Alfie says, hugging Zoe.

Jim turns to me and kisses me softly. "Good luck, you can do it" he murmurs. I kiss him back and smile.

"I know, we will do this."

"Text me how it's going, yeah?" He looks worried, anxious and scared for me and Zoe. Bless him.

"Of course." I hug him and then go to Zoe. She smiles at me.

"We can do this, right?" She says.

"Yeah. It's like old times. Zoe and Tan." I grin at her and hug her. She hugs me back, tightly and for a second, I never want to let go. Zoe gives the best hugs and plus, she's one of my best friends. I love her so much and I just hope we can do this. Not just for our viewers but everyone else's.

When I finally let go, I hug Alfie. Then I hug Jim, one more time. I take Zoe by the hand and run out of the door, past the stairs until we hear someone mutter our names. We stop and look up stairs.

Beth and Troye.

"What you guys up to?" Beth says, jumping down the stairs in her cute, laced, skater skirt and blue top, with converse. Troye follows her in his bright blue top and black jeans, hands in pockets and seeming causal.

"Just, going out" Zoe says.

"Aren't we not allowed out today?" Beth questions, her face looking concerned that she had just told us something very bad.

"We always find a way" Zoe grins.

Beth laughs, while Troye grins. "Sneaky!" Beth smiles. "We are just going down for breakfast, is anyone in the dining room?"

Zoe looks at me oddly and I quickly say, "not that we know of." Jim and Alfie will have gone by now, getting ready to call as the boss.

"Okay thanks, bye!" Beth waves and skips off, Troye smiling at us and then following.

Zoe grins at me and I grin back, and we run. Past the halls and rooms until someone, in a little less inviting, voice says our names. "Tanya Burr and Zoella." I freeze, pulling Zoe with me.

We see the lady and I want to punch her. Why now? WHY!?

"I hope your not going to escape? Follow me" The lady glares at us. I gulp, not knowing what to say, or do.

Suddenly, her phone rings and she picks it up. "Hello... He's calling? What does he want... Oh, I'll be there!" She puts it down and says harshly, "hopefully you two aren't in trouble because I have to go."

She walks away and I say, "THANK YOU JIM AND ALFIE!"

Zoe laughs. "I know right. But we have to hurry, we don't have time" she points out. She starts running and I follow her until we get to the doors that are firmly shut. After about 10 minutes, after I have stood still, I start running on the spot, nervously.

"Come on, Alfie, Jim" I whisper.

Zoe sighs. "Not happening, is it?" I sigh too.

Suddenly the doors open slowly, pushing them selves out. I laugh. "YES!" I say excitedly and I run out, feeling Zoe's heavy breathing following me. I feel it on my back.

We keep running until we reach Zoe's car. We hop in and Zoe turns on the radio to the BBC.

She turns to car on and turns to me. "Ready?" She asks.

I nod, shutting my eyes and leaning my head back.

I am ready to win the war that has just started.


I'm driving back from holiday and I have school tomorrow which sucks :( I really want another dayyyyyy!

I hope this was long enough, I'll try update soon but remember I have school so it's unlucky you will get one soon.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Xxxxxxxxx

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