The test

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(Your pov)

After that Tony and everyone else and me follow a truck that has a drink in it

That we need to get it order for him to trust us Frosty made little robots go on the side of the truck to hide us

Tony starts going to the car and so do you Tony starts getting out of his car and Echo grabbed his wheel I do the same but put my car in autopilot and get on the hood of my car

I saw tony grab something from his bag and jumped to the truck I sigh because I forgot my bag with Ms.Nowhere so I jumped to and grabbed the grey thing on it and start climbing

We get to the top only to see a big guy standing there I then see three black cars fall back and go to our cars but I had to focus on the guy

"Tony I got this you go unhook it" he hesitated but nodded then the truck shakes and tony lost his footing and falls back I was about to grab him but the big guy

Grabbed my wrist and my other arm "Noo" I look and see Tony's okay and sigh then

(30 or you can watch the hole thing and the bomb and other stuff after didn't happen)

My thing didn't work so I punch him in the gut harder and Spain and kicked him in the face knocking him out so I went to Tony and see him putting a bomb under it

I smirked and tony grabbed me by the waist which I was surprised and shocked by

The truck went up then down and landed on Cisco's truck-car then we drive to the hideout where we meet Ms.Nowhere

Ms.Nowhere started to talk about papers and stuff but then Tony and everyone else so no

Tony and everyone else then convinced Ms.Nowhere to let them get and few things for our hideout

Tony ride the bull Cisco played on his boxing thing and Echo was doing cool things to her car and frosty was doing something and me I was drawing them

I was drawing them to every detail and everything


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