20.The New Sorcer

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Standing outside the office door, I was praying that nothing was going wrong. Harry opened the door, startling me, with a uniform on. His shirt had a Dimia symbol on it making me extremely happy.

"She's accepted me." His face was filled with joy and happiness.

"This is awesome, so everything went fine?" I asked as we walked to the cafeteria.

"The lies caused no suspension what so ever. The Headmistress was actually very fond of having a pure sorcerer in her prestigious institute. How did know she would?" He asked.

"Well she thought having a human hybrid would make her school unique, so just imagine a pure sorcerer."

"What I can't seem to figure out is how my barcode showed them so much false information about me."

"Let's just say, I got you the hook up." I winked.


"Damn, now I'm gonna need to teach you slang." I said as I placed placing my hand on my head in frustration.

We had reached the cafeteria which was filled with the sounds of creatures laughing and having a good time. I searched for my friends and finally spotted Nalia sitting at one of floating ledges that were all connected by steps.

"Hey, where are idiots 1 and 2." I asked taking my last step with Harry next to me. Nalia pointed her finger to the floor below us wear Ethan and Gem were walking into the cafeteria wearing maid outfits that were obviously too small for them. Their muscles were busting out of the small sleeves and the dresses were so short, they was more like shirts than dresses. Their faces were emotionless as the entire cafeteria filled with laughter. Creatures started taking out their phones to take pictures and videos.

I laughed so hard that Harry had to hold onto me to prevent me from falling down the stairs. Soon after they began to dance and they looked absolutely ridiculous.

"Should I tell them to stop?" I asked after 10 minutes of them dancing. We were still laughing and at this point we couldn't breath.

"Yeah, it's been long enough." Nalia said trying to catch her breath.

"Hey guys you can stop now." I said to them telepathically. As soon as I finished my sentence Gem spreaded his wings, picked up Ethan and flew over to us.

"I hate you guys so much." Gem said with gritted teeth.

"Never underestimate your opponent." Nalia said with a smile as we all sat down.

"Tordora." said Ethan and both he and Gem's maid clothes turned into their uniforms.

"Who are you?" Gem asked Harry with an attitude.

"This is my foster mom's nephew, Harry." I interjected. "Harry this is Gemini, Nalia and Ethan." I said as I ordered my dinner trying to avoid their gaze. I was usually a great lier but something about the situation made me nervous. If the Headmistress discovered that Harry and I lied, we wouldn't just be expelled, I would be killed. The council could use my expulsion against me and say that my existence is a danger to others. I cleared my mind and and returned my focus to my friends.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Said Harry with a smile. Nalia looked at him in awe as if he were the first boy she had ever seen. She stared at him so hard it looked ad if her eyes were going to fall out. Ethan and Gemini both gave him a suspicious look.

"Can I touch your face?" Nalia asked Harry still in a state of awe.

Harry nodded his head as Nalia caressed his cheek and running her hands through his shoulder length hair.

"Nalia what the hell are doing?" I asked as I rolled my eyes and removing her hands off Harry.

"What?! You've got to admit he's gorgeous. It's like his face was carved by the gods." She said as she tried to touch Harry again resulting in me swatting her away.

"Ouch! That hurt." She complained while holding her hand.

"Suck it up. Now I need you to give him a hair cut." I said as I taught Harry how to order food.

"Why? His hair his gorgeous."

"Well not all of it, just however he wants."

"What type of hair cut do you want sweetie?" She asked, running her hands through Harry's hair.

"Um, I'm not quite sure." He replied.

"Well come on, I want to get my hands through your hair right now." Nalia rose from her seat and pulled Harry to get up along with her.

"You've already had your hands in it enough as it is." I said causing her to scoff.

"I have not." She replied.

"What ever you say. Just don't ruin his his hair." I chuckled.

She fake gasp and wrapped her arm around Harry's as all three of us walked down the floating steps and back to our dorm room.


(After we left)

"Did they just ignore us for that, that thing?" Gem asked with anger and a hint of jealousy referring to Harry.

"Yup." Ethan responded unknowingly while playing a game on his phone.

"God I want to punch you." Gem said with his teeth clenched.



"Voila!"Nalia sang as she finished Harry's haircut.

"Aww he looks so cute." Getting up from my bed, I walked over to Nalia's dresser, which Harry was sitting in front of. His shoulder length hair was transformed into a hairstyle in which only the top of his head had hair and the sides were completely shave off.

"I am quite fond of my new haircut." Harry grinned.

"Yay!"Nalia screamed, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek. It was so obvious that she liked him and she only met him about thirty minutes ago.

Rolling my eyes, I looked for the phone Nora had bought for me a couple weeks back to make a call.

"Hello?" A voice said over the phone.

"Hey Gem. I..." listening carefully, the sound of a girl laughing echoed in my ear. " Is that giggling I hear in the background?" I asked.

"No." He said slowly.

"You're fifteen! How much pussy do you fucking need you horny idiot."

"Ehh, not a lot." He laughed.

"Look, I didn't call you to talk about your sex life. I need a favor."

"What is it?"

"I know you and Ethan have an extra bed in your dorm and..."

"Nope." He said bluntly.

"Would you like me to send the video of your little dance to your father." I asked with a smirk.

"Fine. He can have the bed. But just know this I won't like it."

"You know you will." I laughed.

The Secrets Within Saga: The First Human Hybrid (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now