movie night

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    "Dean! Sammy! Let's go, you're gonna miss the beginning of the movie because I am not pausing it!" I yelled down the hall of the bunker.

    "Do you want me to check on them?" Cas' voice behind me made me jump.

    "Jeez! Cas what did we talk about," my hand shot to my heart, as I turned to look at him. "I swear we need to get you a bell." I turned back to the hall "And the movie us starting in five... four.... three.... two..." I yell, running to the couch as I hear the echo of the boys bounding down the hall, Cas following behind.

    I hold the remote up at the tv as Cas walks to the couch and the boys run through the doorway, Dean holding popcorn and candy, Sam holding pillows and blankets.

    "You couldn't wait three minutes?! Popcorn doesn't just magically make itself, you know!" Dean pants as he pushes my legs off the couch to sit. Sam throws a blanket over me before sitting on the other side of me. I reach over Dean to grab the bag of twizzlers as he throws m&ms to Sam and gummy bears to Cas. "So what are we watching?"

"It's a surprise. and we got all day so don't expect to be leaving this couch anytime soon." I press play, throwing my legs over Dean and laying my back and head on Sam's lap.

"I brought you pillows and you're still gonna use me?" Sam laughs as he ruffles my hair.

"Brothers are more comfortable than pillows," I shrug my shoulders, "Now shut up and watch the movie." I shove a twizzler in his mouth and turn my head to the tv as the Marvel logo flashes on the screen. "By the way, we've got like 15 more of these to watch," I say causally as Dean looks to me with wide eyes. I laugh at him, "don't worry, you won't be complaining once you finish one, you're gonna want to stay up all night watching them."

So, I just decided that I wanted to do something short and sweet.

Also, unless requested otherwise, most of these are going to have Y/N as the boys' sister because I will be much better at writing that.

ANNNNDDDDD - I do not write smut, like ever, so if you request it, it's probably gonna suck.

That being said, if you have an imagine you want me to write, in a comment, or pm, leave:
-sexuality(if you want)
-who you are to character

—Thank you for reading!

Peace out bitches!

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