The Hamlet

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The lands within the jurisdiction of the Midoriya family spanned a significant area.

Closest to the manor stood the Hamlet. The largest of towns within the Midoriya's influence, it could very well be considered the heart of their territory. Near the center of the territory, it was easily reached from most points on the map, and one would need to travel through it to reach most other areas, and the noble family took advantage of this. The Adventurers Guild Hall, the Abbey... Many important buildings such as these were found here.

Within a couple days ride of Hamlet stood 'Garen's Well', though more commonly known as the Farmstead by the locals. While the various areas could provide for themselves if need be, the Farmstead was able to produce enough for all of the villages combined. With the workers and their families living on site, it was more than enough to count as a small village in it's own right.

Arbor's Point was located on the coast. A major trading village, it was the main source of commerce for the surrounding towns, providing imports and allowing for the exporting of goods.

Timberhold was a town that took advantage of the plentiful woods surrounding the area. A thriving logging village, they provided for much of the construction needs of each area, something that cemented their importance in these lands.

Perhaps the least productive of the villages, but undeniably the oldest, was Augur. Despite the lack of productivity, it's age gave it a historical value that was difficult to measure. Records from the old manor's library claimed evidence existed that proved it had been there before the manor had been constructed.

While various other villages existed, these are the ones that people remember, and those that allow the area to thrive.


"Get to the point ya geezers!" Bakugou snarled, his eye twitching dangerously as his clenched hand slammed against the table, the sound of his fist hitting the wood resounding in the large room.

The group currently sat at a table in the tavern, the place empty save for some kids playing in the corner of the booth under the watchful eye of the barkeeper, a beautiful woman with black hair and sharp eyes.

Those same eyes that were also keeping an eye on their own conversation.

It wasn't terribly hard to figure out that the kids were the children of the workers who worked in the... back rooms of the tavern in what probably passed for the, uhm, red light district of the town...

In front of him sat two men - the first being the Caretaker that had introduced himself prior, Toshinori Yagi. Skinny to the point that he appeared emaciated, with clothes that seemed a size too big for him, he nonetheless had been helpful to the group, promptly bringing them to meet the second man that sat across from them - Shoto Aizawa, the mayor of Hamlet.

Wearing dark, baggy clothes, the tired black haired man raised an eyebrow at Bakugou while Iida looked appalled at his behavior.

"Bakugou!' Iida barked, "These are the leaders of the town and are therefore deserving of our respect! Cease this - !"

"Like hell they do!" He interrupted, turning a glare at the armored man, "We ask them what the heck was going on, and they start giving a long ass history lesson on how great the place is! Well I hate to break it to ya, but I had my eyes open when we walked over here, and this place is hip deep in it's own freakin' grave!"

The Caretaker, Yagi, gave a cough, "I apologize Mr. Bakugou," He stated as he lowered a blood-specked handkerchief, "We were merely setting the stage. To understand how bad things are, it becomes necessary to explain their original state."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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