What you need to comment

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Heyo guys. So I mentioned this in my dares book but this is a book of scenarios. How does this work well you guys request scenarios for me to do and I'll ask questions that fit that scenario. And it can be anything like Storming Area 51 The Beach Swimming School and more. So here's what you need to comment if you want me to do that scenario

What the scenario is

Which cast you'd like for that scenario

Who answers the questions(you guys, me or the cast)

If you are still confused here's what I mean

Scenario: camping 

Cast: pahkitew 

Who answers the questions: readers 

That is what you need to comment for me to do the scenario you request. Also there are no limits to what you can request. I won't refuse any thing(unless it's something I'm not familiar with). Can't wait 

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