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I think the formulation isn't this good in this chapter so sorry for that.

Reader pronounces in this chapter:

This is a Sapnap x reader with Fluff and Angst in it.

Warings: creepy chasing thingy/nightmare stuff/ a "little" bit of Angst


Y/n was running really fast. She was running for her life, because someone with a knife was after her and wanted to probably stab her. She was running as fast as she could, trying to escape that weird looking creature.
She was running through a forest which was dark, not to dark but darker than the area outside of it. When she finally saw light at the end of the forest she ran faster. But the crature behind her was keeping up with her. Y/n was exhausted from running so much, but she still kept going, hopping to get away without getting hit to badly. Y/n got closer and closer to the light at the end of the forest every second. She thought she would make it out alive or it was more like a hope, that she would make it out. When she finally got out of the forest, the light was blending her at first and after her eyes had adjusted the light, she saw a cliff with an old bridge. She knew she had to cross the bridge to get out alive, but it looked so old that it could break any second. So she ran up to it looked behind herself to check if that dark weird creature was far enough away from her to cross the old bridge. For her good it was far away enough, so she started carefully walking over the bridge. Suddenly she heard the creature come nearer and tried to hurry, but forgot how old the bridge was she was crossing and that she needed to be careful while crossing it. So she sat her feet onto a rotten wooden board and it obviously broke. So y/n fell down the cliff but before she could die, she woke up.

She immediately sat up straight in her bed. Sweat droping down her face, heart beating fast and breathing heavily, she sat there. She was shocked and scared. Then she got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen, soon after entering it, she saw her boyfriend. Moving faster now, but quite towards her boyfriend. Finally she reached her goal and cuddled into his back. He turned his head, to see what he expected but not really what he expected.

"Are you doing okay?"
She said starting to cry. When he noticed he immediately turned around placing her head in on his chest and his arms around her waist. Hugging her closely now, he looked down at her, cuddling into him, crying because... Ehh why was she crying?

"What happened babygirl?" his voice was soft and he sounded worried.

"I had another nightmare..." She got out in between sobs.

"Oh again? And you're still sure that it's normal?" Being worried for her was something that you could hear in sapnaps voice after she told him that she had a nightmare again.

"Yeah, everyone has nightmares sometimes." She meant like it was normal to be in the situation she was in right now.

"But you have them every few days and they are so bad that you cry after them, I have the feeling that it's getting worse!" He sounded really worried, he really wanted to help her.

After their small talk about maybe getting help or if it was normal or not they decided to watch a movie together.

"Thanks sapnap for always being there for me." You could hear the thankfulness though her voice.

"Y/n I love you of course I will do everything that'll make you feel better." His soft voice was like music for her.

"Aww I love you too Sappynappy." She answered excited.

Sapnap blushed after hearing that from y/n she was just too sweet for this world, but had a massive problem with nightmares.

So they where watching a movie, eating snacks and just chilling together for a while.

Pov. Sapnap:

She was laying next to me with her head on my chest. I could feel the blush on my face, I wasn't used to y/n's cutenes . We just moved in together like about a month ago but are together since like 8 months. I noticed after a while that she was breathing regularly. She was probably tired form everything that has happened recently. Her nightmare got worse and I always asked myself why she even had them in the first place like having nightmares that often wasn't normal. I knew that somethings had happened at her parents house, when she still lived there, but I never really asked her about it because she seemed uncomfortable with it. I looked at her again to see something really cute again. She fell asleep with her head on my chest. She looked like she was finally having a peaceful sleep.
Without nightmares this time.
I was thinking about sending her to an therapist because of her nightmares that get worse the longer she has them. But I haven't really asked her, I think she wouldn't like it anyways.

And before I could think more about that topic I fell fast asleep.

Third person pov. :

And there they were sleeping in their bed together, y/n with her head on sapnaps chest and sapnap with his armes around y/n.
That was the first peaceful night  since some time for y/n and both of them really enjoyed it.


Hewwo uwu
I hope you enjoyed this one shot, I took really much time to write this one (lol). Don't forget to drink water and eat something if you haven't already. I love you and have a nice day / night qwq.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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