His New Pet

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His New Pet


(So this is yet another sequel to the now-deleted fan fiction "Three Brothers and a Slave")

("Three Brothers and a Slave belong to Crystal-Violeta and TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon and Klunk belongs to TMNT 2003)


Leo's five years old in case your wondering


"So how did you do on your spelling test?"

"I got a perfect score! What did you get?"

"I only got two words wrong. Daddy said that it's my new record."

"Cool! Father said that since I got a perfect score, I can skip training for today."

"Even though I got two wrong, daddy put a sticker on it. You know one of those stickers that has those funny smells? I got one that smells like a root beer float."

Tiger Claw listened to the phone conversation Leonardo was having in his room with his friend Karai from the kitchen and chuckled. Ever since that faithful day in Oroku Saki's backyard, the youngsters have quickly become best friends.

Leo would come to visit Karai when Tiger Claw had important meetings and Karai would come and visit Leo when her father was busy, share secrets, send things in the mail, and call each other on the phone when they had free time they were doing right this second.

"What else is there to "

"Uh Leo, I gotta go.." said Karai on the other line, "My dad says he's gotta make some important phone calls to some of his clients. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Ok Karai, see ya." said Leo. He hung up his little phone set.

Leo sighed.

He loved talking on the phone with Karai but it was sad when she had to hang up. He wished he could have someone to talk to when Karai or Tiger Claw was too busy to say otherwise.

The tiger noticed the frown on Leo's face.

"She hung up again Leonardo?" Tiger Claw asked.

"Yeah," sighed Leo.

"I know you love talking to her but she can't talk with you 24/7 you know," said Tiger Claw, putting away the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, "she has responsibilities of her own like you."

"I know," said Leo.

"Speaking of responsibilities, get your worksheet on addition I gave you yesterday and get to work on it," said Tiger Claw.

Leo shot up from the couch.

He never ever liked to miss a day of homework.

The turtle rushed up the stairs to grab his supplies.


A few days later was when the two had met. Leo had found the little scruffy orange and white cat while at the park. Her big gold eyes met his sapphire blue ones.

"I bet you were abandoned by your family too huh?" Leo asked.

The cat blink for she couldn't respond.


Tiger Claw walked up to the young turtle.

"Look daddy," he said pointing to the cat, "I think she was abandoned by her family like I was.."

The giant tiger stared at the little cat who walked up to him and put her paws on his giant one. He couldn't understand how a cat so small like her didn't scurry off and hide.

"Brave little creature," the tiger thought.

Leo giggled and said, "I think it likes you, daddy."

"You mean she likes me, Leonardo," said Tiger Claw, "this little one's a girl."

"How can you tell it's a girl?" Leo asked.

The tiger paused for a moment.

"Uh...I'll tell you when your older son," he replied, "Come, let's go home. It's getting late and I still have to make dinner."

"OK," said Leo, taking his father's paw, "bye-bye kitty!"

The cat looked on as Leo and Tiger Claw left the park. He proceeded to follow them.

By the time they reached the apartment, both father and son noticed the small cat had walked behind them the whole time and Leo said, "I don't think she likes the park."

After dinner, Tiger Claw put a bowl of milk and a bowl of water in front of the cat so it can have a proper drink. Leo stared endlessly at the cat lapping its milk.

"Daddy? Do...do you think we can keep her?" Leo asked shyly.

Tiger Claw stared at the cat for a moment and back at Leo and his pleading eyes.

A pet was a big responsibility but Leo has been proving himself to be responsible lately and he did ask two or three times for a pet. Of course, Tiger Claw dismissed the thought after a while but then again, the cat had no owner of her own.

He sighed and said, "Alright, you may keep her. But we'll have to go to the pet store tomorrow to get her the necessities she needs alright?"

Leo gasped and ran up to hug the tiger, "Thank you, daddy! Thank you! I swear, I'll take really good care of her!"

The tiger chuckled and asked him, "Speaking of which, you can't just keep calling your cat "her", don't you think you should give her a name?"

"Oh, oh yeah!" said Leo, "Hmmm...I think I'll call her...Klunk! Yeah! That's what I'll call you! Klunk!"

The cat blinked at the turtle and meowed.

"Wow!" he gasped, "did you see that daddy?! Did you?! She spoke to me!...kinda!"

"It seems that Klunk likes her new name Leonardo," said Tiger Claw.

Leo smiled and rubbed the cat's back, "welcome to my family Klunk. You're gonna be really happy here!"

Klunk rubbed her head against the turtle's hand and purred.


In the weeks that followed, Tiger Claw and Leonardo made sure that Klunk had all the necessities she needed.

She had a bed in the living room along with a scratching post, and a box full of new cat toys, a litter box near the staircase, food and water dishes in the kitchen, a bag of kitty chow in the pantry, kitty milk in the fridge, and something Leo had picked out especially for her; a collar.

Leo designed it himself.

It was blue and had a fish-shaped pendant with her name and the address of the apartment.

Leo spent hours with his newly found friend and even showed her to Karai when she came over to visit.

Needless to say that Leo was very fond of his new pet and kept his word and took extremely good care of her.


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