Chapter 2

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"Cas, what the fuck was that?" Charlie demands.

Castiel glances at the time. There should be a minute or two before the cops arrive, and it would take far longer than that to explain everything to her. Fortunately for him, he has no desire to do that. He'll tell her the bare minimum and that's it.

"That was my ex boyfriend," Castiel says.

"Right, okay," Charlie says, "and this ex boyfriend, his name is...?"

She clearly already figured it out, so he just says, "Dean Winchester."

Charlie closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens them again. "So you're telling me that you once dated the Dean Winchester, the goddamn leader of a goddamn gang of goddamn criminals, and you never told me."


Charlie runs a hand through her hair, exasperated. "You gotta give me more than this. I cannot force myself to keep asking questions that I don't want to know the answer to. You just gotta come out and tell me —"

"I was in a gang, I left, I'm here," Castiel interrupts. "Congratulations, you now know my whole life story."

"Cas —"

"I don't want to talk about it," Castiel says. "I really, really don't. It's bad enough that I'll have to tell the chief. I don't want to do it twice."

Charlie narrows her eyes.

"On the bright side," Castiel says, "I'll have a lot of free time to write my autobiography when I lose my badge."

"You're not —"

"Losing my badge is the best case scenario," CastieI interrupts. "The fact that Dean didn't shoot me right here, right now is a curse in its own right."

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