Meeting Basil

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Your Pov

    I hurried down stairs to see what the commotion was. I saw feathers flying all over the room.

Judson rushed out of her door to see what happened "Oh! My good pillows!...." She said as she held a couple of feathers in her hands

I stepped down from the stairs and saw something roll towards me, it was metal and sharp, I bend down and picked it up, it was a bullet

"Mr. Basil!" Judson yelled while she spit out some of the feathers that went into her mouth

I saw a head popped out from a red chair to see a brown mouse

"How many times do I have to tell you not to!-" Judson yelled but she was cut off by 'Basil'

"Yes yes, Mrs. Judson" Basil said in a calming manner as he sniffed the air "ooh I see your making your delicious crumpets of yours, why don't you fetch our guests some hmm?" He said as he gently shoved her back into the kitchen

Judson tried to protest but head back inside anyway

Basil closed the door  "Now..I know it's around here somewhere.." he said as he crawled in all fours to look for something

      'was he the one that pulled the trigger?..' I thought suddenly our eyes met as he walked towards me and grabbed the bullet "oh, why thank you Miss.." he said as he quickly scurried off to his 'lab', just before you were about to introduce yourself.

You looked over to see two other mice one with facial hair and the other a little girl

"Uh...hello.." I spoke nervously

"Hello dear, you live here?..." The adult mouse asked

"I've been here hours before you, I believe" I responded

"My name is Olivia Flaversham" the little girl said with a small smile

"I am Dr. David Q. Dawson, but you may call me Dawson" he said with a smile

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)" I said with a nervous smile

"Now tell me, what are you doing here at Baker St.?" Dawson asked

"Well ...I stumbled here while seeking shelter...after I was thrown out....and Judson found me...and brought me in.." I said with a sad look

"Oh dear...well it's good that you got out of the rain just in time.." Dawson said with a sound of guilt

"Shh!" Basil shushed us as he focused on the two bullets he collected and examined them under his microscope

No one's pov

        Basil put the two bullets together by each end, he twirled them together finding a match line "yes.." he said

Then he twirled the bullets together by the second time "yes" he said a little intrigued

However for the third time the lines on the bullets don't match

"NOOOOO!!, Drat!" Basil yelled with frustration "another dead end..." He said with a sad look as he moped to the red chair near the fire place

"He was within my grasp.." Basil spoke as he reached for his violin, and he begins playing

"Now will you please listen to Daddy's gone and I'm all alone.." Olivia spoke

Basil stopped and looked at her, "young lady, this is not the most inopportun time..." He said, Olivia looked down sad

"Surely your mother knows where he is.." Basil said

"I.....I don't have a mother..." Olivia replied

Your looked at her feeling sorry for her, Basil immediately stopped playing as his eyes widen, he sat up "well....Uhm..well perhaps, see here I have no time to look for lost father's!" He said as he puts his violin down.

"I didn't lose him!" Olivia protested, "he was taken by a bat!" She said

This suddenly gotten Basil's attention, as he swiftly turns to Olivia, "did you say..Bat?" He asked

"Yes.." Olivia replied

"Did he have a crippled wing?" Basil asked intrigued once more

"I don't know..but he had a pegged leg!" Olivia answered his question

"Ha!" Basil yelled with excitement as he stood up from his chair

You were confused at this point not knowing what is going on

"I you know him?.." Dawson asked

"Know him! That bat! 'Fidget' by name is an employ of the very fiend who was the target of my experiment!" Basil said with a angered look "the horror of my every waken moment!, The Nefarious Professor Ratigan!" Basil yelled as he points to a portrait of the same Rat from your dream

Your eyes widen 'That's the same Rat from my dream! could any of this mean?...' you thought

"Ratigan?.." Dawson spoke

"He's a genius Dawson..a genius twisted for evil, the Napoleon of crime!" Basil said as thunder struck outside

You grew scared that you swallowed the knot from your neck

Basil explained how he was so close into catching him, but he never succeeded

This got you thinking, 'what could my dream mean, why so sudden that I dreamt about him?...' you thought as you looked at Basil, you wanted to tell him about the dream but couldn't get the right words out.

"Who knows what this disasterly scheme of a villain may be plotting next..." Basil said "even as we speak..." He continued

      It was time that you tell someone, you snuck into the kitchen to see Judson putting a plate of her crumpets on the table, "hello (Y/N), I'm sorry about that, Basil may have cause a disturbance while you were asleep" she said

"It's not a problem....I did woke up to a nightmare...or a dream perhaps.." you said

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?.." Judson asked

"Yes...I just needed to share this...have you heard of Professor Ratigan?.." you asked

"Why yes, Mr. Basil would talk non stop about him, I would often fear that I might come across to him...but luckily I haven't.." she replied

"Well....I had a dream...about him.." you said

Judson gasped as she accidentally dropped a plate on the floor, "my goodness...are you alright?, That must've been horrifying to witness.." she said with worried

"It's alright... though I wasn't sure if this could mean anything..I just wished that I'll just tell Basil, however he might shrug it off.." you said

"It could be warning...every dream has a warning.." Judson said

You nodded as you took a crumpet and took a bite, you smiled softly "thank you.." you said, you then got up and walked out

    To be continued.....

I know it's not the best but I'm sure it'll get better..hope you enjoy baiiii!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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