Chapter Fourteen

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Hi! Sorry that it's been so long since I've posted to this story. Things have been a bit busy. The next chapter will be out sooner next time. Anyway, enjoy!

Virgil P.O.V

Why does this keep happening today...? Virgil wondered bitterly as he shuffled to the teacher's desk, side-eyeing the two familiar faces from afar. Logan, who was too engrossed in his book to notice his arrival, was sitting with perfect posture in the front row of seats. The real problem, in Virgil's eyes, was the boy with dyed hair from earlier. He had noticed him as soon as he stepped through the door. For a split second his face had darkened, but then he returned to chatting with his friends. Good, Virgil thought, that means he'll have less of his attention on me.

He approached the desk and waited silently for the teacher to notice him. When she finally did, she smiled and asked him in a loud voice, "Hello! Are you Virgil, our new student?"

The room didn't go completely silent, but it might as well have. If people hadn't noticed him before, they sure had now. Even Logan, who he had specifically tried to not get the attention of, looked up from his book to spare a glance at them before turning back to his story. Going pink from embarrassment Virgil timidly replied, "y-yeah..."

The woman stood up, her long raven black skirt rustling about her skinny figure as she maneuvered around her bag and desk. "Great! Let's see what seats we have available for you,"

Her hazel eyes gazed across the room, squinting with concentration as she contemplated the seating arrangements. Finally her eyes lit up and she said, "ah, there's an open seat right in front of Andrew. Andrew, wave so Virgil knows who you are!"

To Virgil's horror, the boy with dyed hair lazily raised his arm in the air. The emo unintentionally made brief eye contact with Andrew, and immediately regretted it. He had expected to see even a shadow of the rage or hostility that was displayed earlier that day or, heck, even a minute ago. But in its place was a sinister grin that chilled him to the bone. Virgil wasn't entirely sure what that meant for his safety, but the danger alarms in his head were going off like crazy. He knew that this boy was fully capable of violence. But even with all of this in mind, he moved to take his seat because he knew there were no other options. The teacher probably didn't know what he knew about Andrew or how he acted towards Virgil, and for all Virgil knew she wouldn't care even if she did. The teachers at his old school sure didn't. He desperately tried to push away the all too familiar sense of helplessness that too often weighed in his heart as he finally sat down. The shrill bell sounded and with that, the lesson had begun.

For the first half of the class, Virgil couldn't concentrate. And to be honest, he didn't try to. He made small doodles on the corner of his paper until the teacher started talking about something new: a project. "Alrighty, class! As we discussed in our previous class, we are going to start our partner discussions today!" She explained a little too enthusiastically.

You've got to be kidding me, Virgil complained inwardly, I can't seem to catch a break today!

"Alright, I'll let you choose your own partners and begin!" She finished.

Within seconds, the room became full of bustling high schoolers, friends going up to each other to be partners. Virgil just sat there, unsure of who to try and approach, if anyone. He was no good at this sort of thing. Just as he moved to get up, a shadow passed over him. Surprised, he looked up and was surprised to see the stiff figure of Logan hovering next to him. "Oh, uh, hi?" The emo awkwardly greeted him.

"Salutations, Virgil," the other replies blandly, his cold calculating eyes locked on him in a steady gaze, "I came to inquire whether or not you would be interested in completing this assignment with me."

It took a moment for the words to sink in. "Are... are you asking me to be your partner?"

"Indeed," the nerdy individual confirmed, nodding his head.

They stared at each other, both seemingly unsure of how to continue. Finally Virgil began to answer, "uh, ok, sur-"

"Hey Logan! Do you want to be partners?" A voice suddenly interrupted.

Virgil froze. Andrew approached them, a tight smile on his lips. When the angsty teen turned to look at Logan, he was surprised at the slight look of disdain that ingrained itself on his face. "Apologies, Andrew, however Virgil has already agreed to be my partner." Logan explained, motioning towards the boy who was still sitting down.

There was a slight shift in the boy's face, a shadow seemed to pass over it. "Oh, is that right?" He remarked in a sickeningly sweet voice that, in Virgil's opinion, didn't suit him.

Virgil tensed at the eerie tone, remembering the threat that had been delivered to him. Maybe, he thought, if I could convince Logan to be his partner then maybe they'll go easy on me...? It's worth a shot...

"Hey, Logan, it's okay if you want to be his partner instead! It wouldn't hurt my feelings or anything." Virgil insisted, desperately hoping that the brainiac would just take the bait and be the other's partner.

But Virgil had no such luck. Logan responded, "no, it is quite alright Virgil. We have already agreed to be each other's partners, therefore I have no reason to switch," he turned to Andrew as he continued, "and besides, I have been Andrew's partner multiple times before this. I'm sure it would be a good change of pace for the both of us to interact with other students, no?"

The question was obviously directed at the boy with dyed hair, who quickly replied, "Of course, no problem! I'll talk to you guys later!" And quickly walked away, though not before throwing a piercing gaze Virgil's way.

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