Chapter 9: Initiation part 2

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(Back with Ozpin):

Ozpin was currently seen sipping on his seemingly endless cup of Coffee with Glynda, who was checking on her scroll. But that is when she took to notice to the Ruins, where she notice a trail of blood leading toward Y/n's body.

Glynda: *eyes widen* "Ozpin!" *Ozpin looks over and was as horrified to see Y/n on the ground laying on a pool of blood. But that is when they took notice to the small lights that began to surround Y/n which enter his body* "I-is that D-dust?"

They took notice Y/n's injury beginning to heal from the dust before completely vanishing. Soon Y/n slowly begins to awaken holding his head before looking really confused.

Ozpin: "Truly. I knew there was something great about Y/n the moment I met him." *thinking with excitement* 'Through the many years I've walked this planet I have never met someone coming with such a unique power.

Glynda: "However he is on his own, he still need to look for a partner!"*quickly flicks through her scroll with an irritated look on herface* "At the very least all the other students are coming fine: Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna have formed a team as well as Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. As for the rest, everyone else seems to be getting along just fine on their own." *She suddenly stopped again and looked at a certain blonde boy with a look of judgement in her eyes like some sort of disappointed parent* "Well everyone except Jaune Arc. Seriously I don't care what his transcript says that boy is not ready for this level of skill."

(With Y/n)

Y/n looked around his body with pure disbelief, noticing how he was somehow alive and had completely healed in seconds.

Y/n: 'I-I'M ALIVE?! HOW AM I A-ALIVE?!" *then notices the blood and tear on his clothing* "Aw man...I need clothes already.." *sighs as he soon walks over to the pedestal and took notice to the chess pieces* ' I just need to of the chess pieces up...and then I'll have to look for someone...right?' *he quickly picks up a Golden Knight Chess Piece* 'This will do!"' *puts away his chess piece in his pocket and that's when he heard familiar voices*

Blake: *offscreen* "Um Yang? Is that Blood?!"

Y/n: *walks out the ruins confused to see Yang and Blake, who instantly notice him...covered in blood stained clothing* "Yang? Blake?"

Yang and Blake: "OH MY OUM?! Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?!" *runs over and quickly check on him much to Y/n's dismay*  

Yang: "The Back of your shirt is ripped!"

Y/n: *panicking* "T-T-Too C-close.."  *Yang and Blake look up to see Y/n who looked so uncomfortable, which causes them to back off*

Blake: "S-sorry, but seriously are you alright?!"

Y/n: "Y-yeah j-just u-um c-careless is all?" *nervously laughs as he was about to walk off when-*

Ruby: *above* "heeeeeaAAAAADS UP!" *crash lands right on top of Y/n with a large dust cloud covering them*

Yang: "Y/N! RUBY!" 

Y/n: 'Ow...what hit me?" *as he opens his eyes he notices two things one Ruby was on top of him....and two....their lips were  right on top of each other. Three dots form above Y/n and Ruby before they let out a panic shrieked which Ruby hops off of Y/n(who face was bright red*


Y/n: *blushing hard* 'oh my god..I just got my first kiss stolen.....' *images of and Angel Y/n was seen crying happily above the living Y/n* 'I'm no longer a virgin...'*speaks up blushing hard* "I-it's fine it was an accident..I'm sorry..too and my clothes were like this before hand*

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