Daniel knows the Truth

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HEY someone yelled they trun around and they saw Daniel  "what the hell" daniel sayed    "Daniel?"she sayed   "PZ9 WITH HIM REGINA!"    Pz9 yells back   "WATCH IT" 

Daniel just walks away   Regina backs up   "you didn't have to yell pz9"   "Regina he was yelling first" he graps her hands  "sorry Regina"   "it's fine just don.t yell"    he kisses her one more time   "you better explain to daniel" pz9 walks the other way Regina gose to daniel "hey daniel" "is it me or him?"  Daniel don.t make me choose" he gets closer "daniel I am confused about my love for pz9 and you" "I don.t understand why you would even choose him he is a bad person" "well it's like I can see the good side of him...but I'll leave you alone we're not official"   she leaves the room feeling like shit for what she did she gose to vy for help she explains what's going on "Regina it Is just what your heart wants" vy sayed   Regina smiles "thanks vy" "no problem"Regina is really confused she doesn't want to hurt Daniel but she doesn't want to hurt pz9 she gose to the park she sits under a tree and falls asleep next moment she is waking up to pz9 looking back at her "are you ok Regina"  "yeah I am fine" he places his hand on her lap "I know it's hard you don't wanna hurt me or daniel" "yeah I am just confused"   "don't worry Regina I know you have to chose one it's going to be hard" "vy says it's what my heart wants witch I get" "yeah your heart wants daniel it wants daniel if it wants me it's me" she smiles "I think I know who I love" pz9 looks at her trying not to be upset "who?" She lefts up his mask and kisses him he kisses her back they spread apart "I love you pz9" "I love you too Regina but our love needs to keep a secret" she understands that project zorgo and chad wild clay won.t get along at all she gets him a hotel room so they don.t get caught together by project zorgo or chad wild clay one day they were kissing and things got steamy they went to the bedroom but Regina realize what she was doing "pz9 it's too soon" pz9 understands  "yeah we are getting too deep to this" they get out of the bedroom Regina gose home she gose to her room and falls asleep...the next day T.B.C

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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