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°do you know who I am°


Astoria laughed as she watched all the people around her having fun and dancing. The seven-year-old blonde girl gripped Marcel's and Eric's hands as she moved them both through the crowd. Her eyes glistened with wonder as she looked at all the colors, the loud jazz music filling her ears as she grinned.

"Not too fast there, Atri." Her uncle Marcel exclaimed with a gentle smile as he tugged at her hand, bringing both her and her brother closer to his body. "If I lose you your mom would castrate me," Marcel mumbled under his breath in an afterthought, grimace firmly on his face.

Erik turned with furrowed brows towards his uncle. "What is castrate?" The boy asked innocently, making Marcel frown even more, before nodding slowly at the boy.

"Ask your mother," Marcel said finally as he picked up the boy in his arms.

That was the moment little Astoria was waiting for. As Marcel let go of her hand to secure Eric in his arms, Astoria ran as fast as should through the crowds, cackling like a mad man, ignoring the calls from Marcel for her to come back.

She bumped into a few people as she ran, the smile never leaving her face. It was rare that she and her brothers were left alone without anyone watching them, making Astoria crave a little freedom even more. She was a wild, free spirit. Her mother always said that she was like a wild horse, never letting anyone tie her down in one place. Always wanting to be run free, without worrying. But her family didn't let her. And as small as she was, she didn't understand why she couldn't go somewhere alone or why she couldn't play with the other kids. She just didn't understand.

That's why, whenever she had the opportunity to be alone she grabbed it and didn't let go until it was forcefully plucked out of her hands. And that little opportunity she had today didn't pay off in a good way.

One moment little Astoria was weaving through the crowd, the next there were arms around her, lifting her and a bag was placed on her head, taking away her sight.

Astoria woke up with a gasp, as an annoying ringing sound entered her ears. She whipped her head around her, her blonde hair covering her eyes as she tried to see where she was. She saw only darkness.

Astoria came to the horrifying conclusion that she was tied to a metal chair as she attempted to lift her hands and move her legs but to no avail. She couldn't move.

Astoria's heart started to beat frantically as she panicked, gasping loudly for breath when she started to feel as if she couldn't breathe.

A small wisp of light reached her eyes, as she heard a door opening and closing. She instantly whipped her head towards the door, only to see a man, clad in dark clothing staring at her. She couldn't see his face or eyes, but she could feel the satisfaction he felt when he watched her trash around on the metal stool. She heard a cruel chuckle come from the man and watched him slowly move towards her.

She looked down at her feet in fear as the man finally stood directly in front of her. Little Astoria felt like crying, as the man snatched her chin and lifted her small head, so she could look at him. Austria felt a chill run down her spine as she gazed at the cruel blue eyes that were looking at her with nothing good promised in his gaze.

A tear ran down her rosy cheek and she let out a breath, that misted in front of her face, due to the cold. The man grinned, before softly letting go of her chin, but didn't move away from her.

"Do you know who I am?" Astoria jumped at his voice, before quickly shaking her head, looking down at her feet again.

"Look at me." The blue-eyed man told her sharply, making her flinch, but complied.

Her mother always told her, if something bad happened if she was to be taken away from her family, to just buy time. Buy time and comply, so her family could reach her before something even worse could happen.

"Good girl." The man murmured, before moving away from her line of view and stand behind her, his hands gripping her shoulders, making her whimper in pain and fear.

"Now, do you know who he is?" The man asked her softly in her ear. Astoria gasped loudly as light entered the darkroom harshly, making her blind for a moment.

When she felt her shoulders being squeezed tightly, she opened her eyes and waited for her vision to adjust.

Astoria couldn't form any words. Maybe by fear or maybe by pure wonder and amazement. In front of her was a clear box, a man inside. A man she knew too well, from when she heard her family talking behind doors, and when she could get her hands on a few pictures her uncle Elijah tried to hide from her and her brothers.

Her father. Her father was standing in front of her, trapped in a box, chained.

Astoria didn't know how long she was kept in that room. She only knew that she was experimented on by that bad man and that when she started to fight back they would hurt her father. Something she didn't want to happen, so she continued to comply, even when she felt her veins burning and her blood boiling, she complied. She couldn't stand hearing the screams when they tortured her father just because she didn't want to take another shot.

But something was different today. Her father wasn't in the room with her. She was left alone, strapped on a cold table, waiting for the bad man to come and inject her with another poisoned-looking liquid.

She was in some sort of trance. She could make a difference between reality and dreams. She just knew two things. That her family was surely coming for her and that HYDRA was her enemy.

She waited for the blue-eyed man to come. She didn't learn his name. In her head, he was just a bad guy. A bad guy she wanted to rip to shreds.

The bad man never came inside the room. Astoria waited and waited, but he never came. That was something different about today too. She couldn't hear anything. It was silent. So silent.

She didn't even acknowledge when she saw her mother's face looking down at her, with tears in her eyes, and blood covering her face. She thought she heard her uncle Nik yelling, but she wasn't sure.

It all felt like a dream for little Astoria when Ravenna picked her up from the table and held tightly her small body.

Astoria smiled, even though she wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not. Her family came for her.


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WALK LIKE AN ANGEL ¶ B. BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now