Chapter 2

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The mayor's assistants led them to a large parking, where the buses that would take them to the playing field would pick them up.

"Look Babe, that woman doesn't stop looking at us. She gives me bad vibes" Alister told him. She looked where he indicated, sneaky.

"If she gives you a bad feeling, I don't think you will last long insane in the Cage." He did not answer.

"Tuker! Nice to see familiar faces in the group."

"You haven't had a solid conversation with him, you can't consider him a familiar face" Joshua objected.

"You shut up." She added "don't pay any attention to him, he's an idiot."

"You are the idiot here."

"Hey, are you two gonna be like this all the time?" Asked Samuel  "If so, I promise you that I will not feel sorry for sacrificing you to save my life."

"Not to get like that, so exaggerated from you dude."

Derek's intention was none other than to give her opinion, but Samuel misunderstood him. He believed it had been an attempt to waver him. He faced him.

"Do you think you are very brave? Don't even think about messing with me or we'll have problems. That's the last thing you want, I'm warning you."

"I am not afraid of you."

Everyone in the group was attentive. Babe was the only one to get in the way.

"Leave the fucking nonsense, at this rate we are going to kill each other during the first week."

"Get away, go." Derek told her.

"What if she doesn't feel like it? They have been watching us since we got here. It is preferable to show that we at least support each other, so as not to be the most hated in the tournament."

"Why does it matter?" Marien asked.

"Every week they will expel a contestant. Perhaps at least loved, or the one that brings less drama, no idea. Coming from the Eliamites I expect any outrage." Eloise added.

Madison, the mother of Joshua and Eloise, volunteered to help in certain areas unknown to her children on the Dark Turnament board. She had told them things about the tournament that they were not aware of before, to help them.

"But that's great, it's an opportunity to get out of there, safe and sound."

"No one ever gets out of the Cage quite well, enough if you get out."

They all looked at Derek, they didn't see him as a negative comment person.

"Or so they say," he continued "Well, I just hope no one suffers too much."

"That's going to be complicated, bodie"Joshua commented "I'm not going to give anything for any of you. I am too precious to die, my life is a treasure. So I hope that you will give it for me if it's necessary."

"No kidding," Babe replied.

"Sure," Derek said as she.

The rest thought like Babe, but it seemed wrong to say it out loud. Except Samuel, who just didn't want to get into the conversation.

At that moment, three men and a woman interrupted. They fell silent immediately.

"Get on the bus," she said "Quick!"

She was short, dark-skinned, and with an unfriendly face. She imposed a lot. She went up just after them.

"Now we go to the Cage, the place where you will reside for the next few months. Once we arrive we will guide you to the block where your rooms are located, and you will settle in. Any questions?"

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