Chapter C- The Letter

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The tears she shed never ended. She had lost her daughter. She had lost one of her children. She couldn't manipulate the pain. The excruciating pain of losing a child. The pain of not knowing where they could be.

She would read Melly's note often, she would bring the note with her everywhere. She knew that her daughter would never return, but a mother could dream.

Melly's father paced the office, and he shook violently. He knew, he had always known she could never love a man, but this? He never expected her to leave. Although in his heart, he understood that this world was not kind to a couple of such. She would have been hung or beheaded. He knew these things, but he still couldn't let this take his mind. He couldn't let it help the suffering, how was he supposed to?

How was he supposed to forget this?

The sounds of the morning brought the families awake, and the maids and servants tried their best to cheer their houses up. Nothing seemed to work, and they eventually collapsed.

The houses became quiet with oppression, passerby's looked on in sorrow as their mothers sat quietly on the balcony. They never spoke, they just sat there. They sat there in any weather and refused to come in until nightfall.

Doryu and Ryoko watched their parents slowly drift into depression. Doryu took the responsibility of the family name and began his life as the caretaker. Ryoko grew quickly, and before they knew it, she was of age.

Years had passed, and many had watched as the family continued to fall deeper into the grip of grief. Ryoko herself refused to marry until her sister came home. This didn't last long, as she fell in love with a Duke.

Doryu watched in horror as his young sister married, and left the home. She finally seemed to be happy. On the day of her wedding, she would not drop her smile.

The flowers sat still in the chapel. The white colors were basic but pretty. Ryoko sat in the women's dressing room, her dress was on, and she was giddy.

The maids tried calming her, but it was as if she was still a child. Ryoko saw herself in the mirror, and she recognized herself. Except, it wasn't her anymore.

The flashes of old forgotten memories came into her head, and she realized that she looked just like her sister. A single tear shed from her eye, and she quickly wiped it away. Kendra turned back to her makeup quickly, and she ignored the fake smile. She ignored the feeling of guilt building up in her body, she ignored it every day. This was to be no different.

The chapel is filled with many people, old family friends, relatives, and special invites. The stained glass windows shone down rainbows, and for once in years, things seemed ok. Her mother perched on the first row, next to her father. They seemed, proud.

She knew what was going through their minds, she knew who she resembled. She sucked in her breath as her father walked her down the aisle, slowly taking her hand in his. The tradition was being put on hold, all she wanted was to hold his hand one more time.

All she wanted was to make time reverse, and see what her sister saw in running. She wanted so badly to go back in time and convince her to stay. Her veil was lifted, and the ceremony began.

She faked her smile the rest of the night, even into the after hours.

Melly heard of the marriage, she knew that her family was still grieving over her departing. She knew she should at least give them some closure.

The letter was long, it was to tell them of how she and Feather were doing. To tell them of Nessa, and Bear. Bear had grown quickly, and he was now an old man. She felt regretful as she wrote it. She reminded herself of the future she would have had if she stayed.

The door of her office opened, and Nessa walked in. Melly turned her head and smiled. "What are you writing?" She asked her mother, leaning over her shoulder. The note was long, and many pieces of parchment were taken up by ink. "Are you writing to your family back in London?"

Melly nodded, "Yes, your aunt Ryoko has gotten married. I'll need you to come with me to the post later to mail it."

"Ok!" she replied to her mother, "Nessa, I'm not going to put our address on here," Melly whispered. Feather entered the room, walking over to her wife and child. "Who are we writing to?"

"Mama she's writing to your families! Aunt Ryoko got married!" Nessa told her mother excitedly. Feather looked surprised at the reply and leaned over Melly's shoulder to see. "If you two were someone else then I would be quite unhappy." Melly joked.

The two laughed and shoved her sides.

Ryoko sat in her new drawing-room at one of her husband's residences. The door opened, and she stayed sitting in the window. The shuffle from behind her caught her attention.

The turn of her head made the shuffle stop. The butler walked to her side with a letter, she took it confusedly.

The wax seal was unique, and she didn't know who it could have been from. She broke the seal, and opened the overfilled envelope, the butler left her in the room, and as the door shut she read the first piece of parchment.

Dear, Ryoko Huxley

Sorry, now it's Chester.

It has been many years since I have spoken to anyone in London. I do have to give you my apologies for that. As of now that I am writing to you, my daughter and wife are out at the market. I have gone through many pieces of parchment trying to get this letter to be as I want it. However, I would like to introduce myself, although you probably know who this is, You haven't seen me since you were three.

Hello young sister, my name is Melly, your older sister. I have been keeping track of you and our family for a few years now. I did not provide my address in this letter because I do not want you to come in search of me. My life has been amazing, and as you know, I ran away with Feather Clive. She and I married the year after that and settled into a small village. Three years after that we were given our daughter, Nessa.

She is now in her early teens, and she is quite fond of you. I would like for you to tell mother, Father, and Doryu that I am fine. Tell them that I am happy and safe. Please inform our mother of my new life, I know she is still grieving over me.

Our home is quite the downsize of what we were used to, and we have a farm. I am happy here, and I plan on staying here. The village we live near is supportive, and its population is made up of mostly gay couples.

I know you want to be told the story of Feather and me. I know you have questions, and I will answer the ones that I think of.

As you know, I married a woman. Her name is Feather, and she was one of the other young women of my first season. We fell in love with each other over the first season and left that summer. I hope you are in love with the Duke, I hope he treats you well. I however knew I could never love a man. Men in our world are selfish, it is hard to find one who will love you.

You may be asking yourself about my scenery here. I shall tell you.

The two-story cottage is on top of a ridge, there is a waterfall about 16 yards from us. The wildflowers here vary, but they grow year-round. The sun shines quietly every day, and we rarely have cloudy days. The fields are huge, and when Nessa was younger we would take her into the forest to explore. The forest surrounds our village, and we don't have problems with animals. It keeps us hidden from the outside world.

At this point, Feather and Nessa have arrived home, and are watching me over my shoulder.

I hope your married life and the new title of Duchess suites you well.


Your beloved Older sister, and her family.

P.S, Tell Doryu that if he doesn't find a wife soon then I will send someone his way.

Ryoko re-read the letter over the few months she was away from her family. Her husband read it as well, and he became worried for his wife. He did love her, and he wanted her to be happy.

The carriage jolted under her as she read it again, she prayed that Melly would show up randomly one day. 

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